Two: Falling

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That summer was the best summer I ever had. Because of that, it's not one that I like to think about, but I must. It's part of our story. I said that I would tell my complete and honest truth of us. Thinking of it may hurt more than thinking about all that came after, but for the sake of staying true to my word, I will make myself hurt. I will keep it brief, however.

When I think back to that summer, it's so easy to forget about everything that has happened since. In my mind, I block it out and remember the good. I remember the great. The perfect. It's so easy to think that this is where our story ended, but instead, it was a mere blissful chapter.

We met at the end of April when the days were longer than the nights, but the nights were full with the most life. When I was with you, though, it didn't matter which was longer because it felt like we never had enough time.

Within a couple weeks of talking, you asked me to be exclusive. We went from strangers to lovers so fast, but it felt as though I had known you for much longer. I was more than eager to be your girlfriend.

Cecily asked about you all the time, but I would be as private about us as I could. I was always that way, though. I was never the person to take a bunch of pictures and post gushy things about my significant other. It wasn't my style. In hindsight, this probably made it easier for you to stay elusive. How silly of me.

To my pleasure, you were just as private as me. You didn't have any type of social media, so we were drama free in that regard. It was one of the many ways we were compatible.

We had one of those cliché summer romances you see portrayed in all of the movies. When I wasn't working or in my summer classes, I was with you. We swam in lakes, watched movies at the drive in theatre where we didn't always do too much watching, and relaxed in each other's company. Out of everything we did, that was my favorite. Being in your company was more than enough.

There were so many things about you I was fond of. Your chivalry. You never let me open a door during the duration of our relationship. Your ability to make me laugh. That was the key to my heart. And you listened to me. You listened to me and respected me like no one had before. You made me feel so important, so wanted, so desired.

Living so close to Detroit, we also went on ventures to the downtown area. It was especially fun at night when the city was lit, illuminating the night sky. I had always lived in and around cities, but you didn't. You told me that you grew up in a small village, one much different from the city we were both living in at the time.

One night, we were sitting along the Riverwalk after enjoying a nighttime stroll. We had just sat down on a bench and looked across the river towards Canada. It was a peaceful night. Even being in such a big city, it felt like it was just you and me. I intertwined my fingers with yours as you looked up and said, "You can't even see the stars here, Evelyn. What's a night sky without the stars?"

I shrugged because I knew no different. My family never ventured far from Chicago when I was growing up, a city with a sky similar to this one's. I saw pictures of stars in the night, but I've never gone out of my way to see them. The way you talked about them, however, made me regret not doing so.

"Someday," You smiled at me wistfully, "I'll show you the nighttime sky I grew up with. You'll never want to go to a city again."

The thought of that excited me. Not the part about seeing the stars, but seeing where you grew up. We had been dating for two months at that point, but you were already making plans for the future that included me. To some it may seem a little soon, but for me the timing was perfect.

"We'll see about that," I smirked to hide my true thoughts. I wasn't ready to open up my feelings to you yet. Besides, I grew up in Chicago only to move to a suburb of Detroit. I doubted that you showing me the stars would turn me into a small town girl. Still, I wanted to see them.

I wanted to see you gazing at them.

Some cars sped past us, but they were few and far between. Detroit was not as congested as Chicago, but it still had the same sounds of revving engines and laughter filling the air. It made it so there was never a quiet moment. I felt your arm wrap around me on that brisk summer night. It didn't take long for me to lean into you.

"Do you ever miss your hometown?"

You were quiet for a long moment contemplating. "Sometimes I do," you finally decided. "When I'm feeling lonely or wish to see my family, I do." Your family lived about 9 hours away, even farther than mine lived. Then, you added as you held me just a bit tighter, "But not now. I never miss it when I'm with you."

The romantic in me made my heart start to flutter like the wings of a hummingbird, moving and beating so fast it was hard to see. Of course, I couldn't contain the smile that spread to either side of my face. I was glad you couldn't see my reaction. I had been burnt pretty bad by a fire before, yet here I was, playing with the flame that was you. I was already so close that I felt your heat, but it didn't hurt. It was more like coming home after a freezing winter day and sitting right in front of the warm hearth. It felt comforting, like you took my shakes away and gave a reignited life to me.

"I feel the same," I breathed, although I don't know what I felt the same about. I never felt too alone, but I did enjoy myself much more with you. I guess I was clueless about what to say, too captivated by your heat to form a real, coherent thought. "Why did you move down here, anyway?"

You looked over your shoulder to grin down at me. Your dimples were so close and in the lighting, your eyes were more of a golden brown. "To meet you, of course."

If only I understood the true meaning and volume behind those words.

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