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To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy.

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"Welcome back to the land of the living."

Teasing Evelyn this morning was probably a bad idea because once these words left his lips, he was elbowed in the stomach, pain spreading out everywhere.

"Ow, what?" He raised an eyebrow, noticing her frown, and by the way her face scrunched up, he could tell she was in pain.

"What's wrong, hon?"

He was right beside her in a second, grabbing her hand softly, afraid his touch would harm her.

"Trust me, Stark, you do not want to know," she wrapped both her arms around her stomach, and winced.

His eyes trailed down to her stomach then back to her face, repeatedly.

Still oblivious to it all, he watched her cautiously like a prey watching its predator.

"Oh, god. Stop with the weird looks."

"What's wrong with you?" He whispered, taking a few steps back, ready to grab painkillers for her the minute she required them.

"You know people mistook you for being a genius."

"I am a genius."

"Well, you're doing a pretty lousy job on proving that to me," she groaned out her sentence, stretching on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position.

Realisation dawned on him, and his eyes were wide as saucers.

"Is it that time of the month, baby?" Slowly, he cocked his head to the left, awaiting her response, but surprisingly it never came.

A bit taken back, he inched closer to her, leaning in to examine her.

"Did it kill you?" He asked, poking her with a finger.

When he got no response, he tried once more.

"Honey did you bleed out?" When she didn't answer him, he groaned out loud, "come on hon. I don't exactly know how this thing works."

Panicked, he leaned down to check her pulse, but right when he was about to touch her, a soft snore escaped her lips, making him draw a sigh.

"Thank god. I wouldn't know what to do with the body," he shook his head, expecting her to stand up and smack him, but she did neither.

Taking that as an opportunity, he slipped out of the room undetected, and grabbed the keys to his orange Audi.

Smiling to himself, he drove out of his garage, and hoped that he would make it back him before she woke up.


"No, no! My soon to be wife wants the chocolate!" Tony argued with the random worker he had dragged along during his shopping spree.

"I'm sorry mister Stark, we ran out of them."

That only fuelled Tony's anger even more, and the poor worker was about to face his wrath.

"I said chocolate. Some people need the chocolate, she needs the chocolate, I need the chocolate!" Tony rambled, walking back and forth, waiting for a chocolate ice cream to appear out of thin air.

"And throw some pop tarts in there too, she loves pop tarts. Strawberry! Make sure it's strawberry!" He pointed to the trolly, that was full of random snacks, and foods that his fiancée loved.

"Y-Yes, Mister Stark."

Rubbing his stubble, he tried to remember what else she would need when she woke up, and he immediately cringed once he came across some sanitary pads, on the way to get some ketchup.

Hesitantly, he grabbed a random pack, hoping that it was the type she used, and tossed it in the trolly.

"The things I do for you, Vee," he shook his head a smile tugging at his lips.

"We got your chocolate ice cream, Mister Stark," the worker nodded, placing the ice cream in the shopping cart, along with the pop tarts.

"Anything else, sir?"

"Well now that you've mentioned it, I just remembered that she always craved pickles in the afternoon, mind picking some up for me?" Tony smiled at the man, who was about to commit suicide any minute now.

"Of course, sir."

After Tony paid the ridiculous amount of money required, he was kind enough to give an autograph for the random man that helped him out.

Throwing on his sunglasses to avoid getting detected by the paparazzi, he threw the countless shopping bags in the passenger's seat of his Audi, and drove off quickly, hoping that his woman would still be asleep when he got back.


And he was definitely not disappointed as she was lying in the same place he had left her two hours ago.

Smiling to himself slightly, he unpacked the bags, and placed everything on the coffee table, in front of her.

With his terrible handwriting, he started scribbling words on a random white sheet of paper.

Hope you enjoyed your nap sleeping beauty, dropped off some snacks for you hon. If you need me just call out, I'm one floor beneath you.

Yours truly,
Your soon-to-be husband

Taking one last look at her sleeping face, he pecked her cheek, not failing to notice how the corner of her lips lifted once his lips collided with her skin.

Slowly, and hesitantly, he let her go, moving away from her, and strolling downstairs to the lab.

Just as he was about to punch in the code, a conversation struck the back of his mind.

"Let me make it up to you."

"And, how are you going to do that?"

"No lab for a week."

Clenching his eyes shut, he muttered,

"Maybe next time."

Keeping his word, he walked up the stairs, and plopped on the couch next to her, lifting her legs, and resting them on his thigh.

Massaging them slowly, his eyes caught sight of the words scribbled carelessly on the paper, and he moved over and grabbed the pen.

Hope you enjoyed your nap sleeping beauty, dropped off some snacks for you hon. If you need me just call out, I'm one floor beneath you. (Crossed out) If you need me, I'm right here. I'll always be right here.

Yours truly,
Your soon-to-be husband

Evelyn • Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now