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I groaned as the sunlight hit my face, and after prying my eyes open, I glanced around at the unfamiliar room. Then my eyes landed on the boy cradled in my arms. His head was resting on my chest, his bleached hair tickling my chin. I was surprised to find my arms around him, holding him close. He was wearing his boxers and an oversized jumper, far too big for his little frame.

Last night came flooding back to me all at once in a destructive wave. I remembered kissing Theo and touching him and mumbling reassuring comforts in his ear. I remember thinking that no way was I going to be stealing his virginity any time soon. But I also remember feeling a desperate urge to make him feel good, without taking things too far.

I remembered his soft moans and concealed pants. His burning skin and swollen lips. The whines and the pleas and the gentle insecurity.

Just thinking about the previous night made me smile and blush. I'd tried to copy what other girls had done to me. He seemed to like it, and pleaded for me to let him repay the favour afterwards. But I refused, at least for now. I wasn't sure Theo was ready, even if he said he was. I'd rather wait and let him be totally certain.

I shifted slightly, trying to stretch my numb body, accidentally waking up the sleeping boy. His eyes fluttered open, unshielded by his dorky glasses, and when he rolled over, I noticed the hickey on his neck. Theo's gaze drifted up to my face and his eyes widened in realisation. He hastily pushed himself off of me, shuffling away as far as he could on the cramped bed. "S-Sorry." He cleared his throat in embarrassment. "I-I didn't mean to..."

I rolled my eyes, "You're apologising for cuddling?" The bed was so small, it'd be practically impossible not to cuddle. But I wasn't complaining. Not one bit.

He stifled a laugh, a warm glow spreading across his cheeks, "L-Last night w-was..."

"Perfect?" I offered with raised brows.

"Y-Yeah." He nodded shyly.

I leant down, pressing my lips against his in a soft, lingering kiss. We broke apart as soon as the door swung open, shuffling away from each other in alarm. Milo froze in the doorway, his brows rising skeptically.

"Well...this is certainly incriminating." He snickered, folding his arms over his chest as he leant back against the doorframe. "What're you doing here, Bakker?"

"Oh my god, it's pronounced-"

"I don't give a shit, why are you in my brother's bedroom?" He challenged, his smirk giving away his fake threatening tone. "And why are you practically naked?"

Theo groaned, hopping off the bed, tightening his jumper around him in an attempt to cover himself up. "M-Milo, we'll talk later, please-"

"Oh my god, did he stay the night?" Milo asked in disgust. "Ew, you mean you guys were...?" His eyes widened, "In the next room over?" He exclaimed, "That's so gross, Teddy! Next time, give me a warning or a sign or-"

"We weren't doing anything." I rolled my eyes dramatically, pulling my jeans on and slipping my shirt over my head, "Calm down."

He just huffed in annoyance, scanning us scrutinisingly. I'll admit, this looked bad; me in my boxers, Theo sporting a purple hickey on his pale throat. But with one last exaggerated grunt, Milo slammed the door shut and left us alone.

Once I was fully changed, I felt around my pockets for my phone and glanced at the time, releasing a heavy, discontented sigh. "I gotta go." I grumbled in complaint, turning to face him. I grabbed onto the collar of his jumper to pull his face up, meeting mine in a short, tingly kiss. He was watching me in awe as I released him, his face flushed. "D'you want me to go out the window?" I offered.

"N-No, it's okay. My parents sh-should be at work."

"Okay." I flashed him a smile before leaving the room, Theo following closely behind. I was glad I didn't run into Milo on the way out, I didn't think I could handle trying to explain myself again this early in the morning. "Thanks for having me." I winked.

"I-I, um...had a really good time." He blushed, "A-And I don't mean just...l-last night, like...all of it."

"Me too." I smirked, leaning down to peck him on the forehead, "I'll see you at school."

I couldn't stop smiling the whole way home. Everything was so amazing. The date, the kissing, the...other stuff. I'd never done this before. The whole relationship thing. Dates and anniversaries and goodnight texts. It was completely new and foreign. But I was already loving it.

I was taken aback when I walked into my house and found Phoenix sat on my sofa, watching cartoons with my sister, the pair of them chatting away shamelessly about the show. "Yeah, but Rainbow Dash is so arrogant and Fluttershy annoys me." Phoenix rambled, "I think I prefer Applejack. What about-?" He stopped talking when he saw me, hopping off the sofa, "Hey."

"What're you doing here?" I frowned.

He shrugged, "We don't hang out so much anymore, I thought I'd stop by. Where have you been? Your Mum said you stayed out last night."

"He was on a date." Vera giggled, turning the volume up on the TV to drown out our conversation.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing his wrist and yanking him upstairs. "I was with a girl." I shrugged nonchalantly as I shut my bedroom door behind us. "It wasn't a date, it was just sex."

He rose his brows in surprise, "Really? I thought you only hooked up with girls at parties or in janitors closets or something?"

He was right. Sex had always been about convenience for me. I never went out of my way for it, it was always practicality. I stammered difficultly for a moment before settling on a disinterested shrug, "She was hot, it was worth it."

"Really? Who is she?" He asked, his eyes lighting up in hunger.

"You don't know her." I brushed it off, hastily pushing past to reach for the Xbox remotes, "Wanna play?" I asked, desperately needing a distraction to avoid further questions.

Phoenix glanced between the remote and I before nodding, "Sure." He agreed, and I let out a sigh of relief.

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