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Hey guys!!! Sorry I didn't update for a while, I was on vacation in Florida and forgot to bring my laptop. Please COMMENT and VOTE if you like my story!!!!

I hope you enjoy!!!!


The trees fly past me in a blur. I can feel the wind in my fur and my tongue lolls out the side of my mouth.

I spot the red tape finally and dig my claws into the dirt, pushing myself to go even faster. I sprint across the red line taped onto the ground with a small yip.

I trot around the clearing, relishing the ache in my legs and the burning in my lungs. I pant heavily as I walk towards Angel and Zella sitting at a table talking.

I shift as I walk up and pull on the shorts and sports bra they toss me. Angel is grinning widely but Zella just glares at me through narrowed eyes. "You beat the record," Angel tells me.

"Fuck yes!" I shout, jumping up and down and pumping my arms in the air.

Zella growls under her breath. "Do you know how long it took me to make that record? Four years," she grumbles.

Angel shakes her head a little and playfully nudges her mate. "Hey but you trained the warrior that beat it in less than a month," she says.

"Yeah I guess," Zella growls, crossing her arms over her chest.

Angel throws her arm over her mate's shoulders and kisses her on the cheek before turning back to me. "Your wolf is really small but you more than make up for it with your speed," she remarks.

"I like running," I shrug. "Only in wolf form though, running as a human sucks ass."

"Truth," Angel snorts. "Okay well I think that's it for the day, you should help your dad get ready for the ceremony tonight."

"You guys are going right?"

Zella nods. "Yeah we just have to go do some last minute preparations. Tomorrow's our anniversary," she says.

"Wait really? How long?" I ask.

"15 years," Angel says, looking back at her mate with a grin.

My eyes widen. "Gods that's a long time. What are you guys doing to celebrate?"

"Well we're going into the human town to go to a spa and then we're getting lunch at this fancy restaurant in the Black Moon Pack. And then we're finally going to―"

"Hey don't tell her that yet! It's supposed to be a surprise remember?" Zella hisses.

Angel purses her lips in annoyance. "Oh yeah. So you'll find out about that last part tomorrow I guess," she sighs.

"Oh come on! Please tell me! I can keep it a secret!"

They both snort loudly. "No you can't. You're the worst at keeping secrets."

"That's because I would drink and do drugs until I blacked out! I've been sober since you started training me! I keep secrets just as good as you do when I'm sober!" I defend.

Angel narrows her eyes at me then turns to her mate. "It's only for a day," she murmurs. Zella sighs heavily before waving her hand a little. Angel turns back to me. "Okay so if you tell anyone then I will discontinue your training immediately, do you understand?"

I nod quickly. "I won't tell a single soul I promise!"

She smiles, excitement sparkling in her eyes. "It took years but tomorrow Zella and I finally get to see Jada!" she squeals.

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