1. Fired

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Henry pov.


Me and Ray have been arguing for over half an hour. And this all because I let Jeff escape. Yea I know that sounds stupid, but while Captain Man was fighting some other criminals, Jeff hit me hard at the back of my head with an iron stick. I fell to the ground almost passed out, and then Jeff escaped.

When the cops arrived, me and Captain Man could go. I got off the ground and Captain Man asked: "So kid, where did you put Jeff." And he looked around. I looked at the ground in shame. His smile faded. "You didn't let him escape did you?" He said to me. "I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." And that's how this stupid argument started between me and Ray.

We're at the mancave now. "Henry.. I just don't understand. He is the MOST stupid criminal from Swellview!" Ray said totally pissed off. "I've never been this dissapointed in you kid." "It's not my fault!" I said. "That stupid guy smacked me at the back of my head with an iron stick! I'm not indestructable like you! Don't you understand? O wait! Ofcourse you don't understand cause you just said that!" I screamed at Ray.

Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz were quietly watching from the side. "I'm done with you Henry! Ray screamed and he walked up to me, grabbed me by my collar and pulled me up against the elevator doors.

"Put me down!" I screamed at Ray. What in the world is he thinking?? Ray threw me to the other side by the computers. I hit the ground hard. I looked up. Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz were already standing up. I saw Ray coming my way. He lifted me again and was about to throw me, but I kicked him with my feet in his face and stomach as much as I could.

He dropped me to the ground. "That's it!" Ray screamed. While I layed there on the ground, he kicked me with his shoe in my private part. I totally crunched up in pain.

"Enough!" I heard Charlotte scream. "No!" Ray said. "Don't step into this. This is something between me and Henry!" "You just beated up you sidekick Ray! Stop it immediately!" Charlotte orderd Ray.

I heard Ray sign and he sat behind the computers. After the worst pain went away, I stood up. Still feeling the pain tho.

"Are you feeling proud now?" I said to Ray. "Yeah, but not of you." He replayed to me. "So you are proud of yourself that you just beated me up huh?!" I said angry. "Yess, and you know what Henry? YOU'RE FIRED!" He spit in my face.

I just stood there gasping at him. It was silent for a while. It was Schwoz who broke the silence. "But Ray, you can't just fire Henry!" He said in his weird accent. "Yea!" Charlotte and Jasper said at the same time.

"You are firing me because I didn't catch Jeff!?" I said in disbelieve. "Go away Henry. Give me the watch and bubblegum." Ray said without answering my question.

"Hey, I just asked something." I said getting more angry. "And I ordered you something. So now give me the watch and bubblegum and leave!!" Ray almost screamed.

I put the watch and bubblegum on a table and I looked at Charlotte and Jasper. "Are you coming?" I asked them. They were looking at eachother, Ray and me. "They are not Henry. I fired you and not them! Now get out!" Ray said harsh.

"Seriously guys?! Charlotte, Jasper. I thought you were my friends." Is said hurt. "Hen, we are.." Charlotte begun but I cut her off. "Ow then why are you not coming then?!" I said.

"Alright, we'll play it fair." Ray said. "We let them choose." He said and looked mean at me. "Charlotte and Jasper, do you wanna stay here, work with THE Captain Man and get good payed, or do you wanna go with Henry and live a boring life?"

Charlotte and Jasper looked at eachother and nodded their head. "Henry, we'll work for Captain Man. Sorry." Charlotte said. My mouth almost dropped to the ground. I just couldn't believe it. The people with who I've been friends with for who knows how long, just ditched me for my ex-boss.

"Alright what you want! I don't need all of you anyways." I said and with that I made my way over to the elevator. I stepped in and I saw Ray looking at me. Just before the elevator doors closed, I stuck up my middle finger to him. That jerk!

I left Junk-n-stuff without even looking back and I made my way home. When I came in I saw Piper on the couch on her phone. "Why so serious brooo." She said in a teasing way. "Shut up Piper!" I said a bit more harsh than I meant, but I didn't care now. I walked away to my room.

I deleted and blocked Charlotte's, Jasper's and Ray's phone number from my phone. After I did that I layed on my back on my bed. This was the worst day in my whole life.

DANGEROUS - (a henry danger fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt