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Florence was surprisingly compliant. Alastair didn't have to drag her through the portal to home, nor did she spit at them for giving her no other choice. There was the odd biting comment here and there, but other than that, she was silent. Although the boys barely knew her from a hole in the ground, they couldn't help but find it unsettling.

They landed in the entry room, not far from the portal they usually used to enter the keep. Florence would've been fascinated, both by the architecture, the magelights, and the glowing veins flowing through the fortress walls... but of course, she'd bent over and puked about as soon as they'd come through the portal. Turns out it was her first time going through one. Alastair was quick enough to hold her hair back for her, but she'd gotten a bit of puke on her sweater.

"Thank you, Drake," she'd said without looking. None of the boys bothered to correct her. Alastair simply frowned.

They took her down the halls, until they got to the half-crumbled tower on the front end of the keep. Although the spiraling staircase only lead a few steps up before turning to rubble, the way leading down to the cells was more than pristine.

It was a small dungeon, nothing too big. There were about twelve cells, and the boys put her in the only one with a bed. There were cobwebs in each one, although the furnished one was slightly more lived in. The only light source was the glowing veins in the walls, casting dim, bluish shadows upon the cast iron bars. The cells were rarely used in modern times; the most use they'd really had was for playing in. Sometimes the younger var Reven's traipsed about the dungeons. It was a good spot for hide and seek, that was for sure.

Drake volunteered for first watch.

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