~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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After stepping back into the apartment, many of the eyes in the room were instantly upon her.

"Everything okay?" Gavin broke the silence that threatened to smother the atmosphere.

Before she could respond, she heard a whispered shout. "Perri?"

Carter had called her name and was waving her over.

"Be right back." She whispered to Gavin.

When she stepped before Carter, she couldn't help but notice Holloway staring at her. He'd been watching her ever since she entered the room. The only time his gaze had shifted was when Max entered moments afterward.

"Anything worth noting out there?" Carter asked.

"Yeah, I'd say so. Access to the next building." Perri replied. She tried not to look past Carter, tried to pretend she hadn't noticed Holloway's glaring eyes. "Personally, I think we should keep moving."

"What?" Spat Max as he approached. "And why would we do that?"

"It isn't safe here." She seethed and gritted her teeth.

"This is probably the safest place we've had for a long time. What makes you think it's not safe?" Carter crossed his arms. He would hear Perri out, but his stance suggested that her opinion wouldn't change his mind.

"It just isn't. Please. You need to trust me on this." She pleaded but received only a stony-glare in response.

Carter opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Holloway stepping up to his side.

"Did something happen on the balcony?" Holloway asked.

Perri involuntarily glanced to Max before returning to Holloway. She didn't know what to say. She licked her dry lips and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Did you see something out there?" Holloway spoke with a flat tone. "A threat, perhaps?"

Perri's eyes narrowed as she examined the doctor's face. There was no trace of that nervous persona he'd upheld thus far.

"I just think, the sooner we get to the outpost the better." She replied.

"Why the sudden sense of urgency?" Asked Max before turning away from them and coughing into his sleeve.

Perri looked to Carter to speak only to him, "Enclosed areas, like this apartment, are never a good idea."

His unflinching posture left much to be desired.

"Please, Ca—"

"We still don't know what awaits us in the next building." Carter paused to think, before continuing, "You say you want to keep moving. I say I want to keep everyone safe. So, the logical thing to do would be to compromise."

Perri cursed under her breath, she had an idea about what he was about to propose.

"You and Max did such a good sweep clearing this building. You two hurry over and clear the next one. Find us a safe path. And we'll go." Carter said. "Just as soon as you clear the way."

"Can't he go by himself? Or with someone else?" She asked.

"Nope. You want this done. You've got to do it." Carter wasn't going to negotiate. It was his way. Or no way.


Perri stepped out onto the balcony with Max leading the way.

Gavin wasn't happy about her leaving again, and something in his voice told her that he knew what had transpired between her and Max the last time they stepped onto the balcony alone. So, Gavin had merely told her to be careful.

She knew he wasn't talking about the infected.

The boards creaked as Max stepped across the bridge.

"Better watch your step. Wouldn't want you to fall." Perri sneered at Max who scoffed in response.

Perri was less than three feet behind Max as they inched along.

Although she'd made a joke and smiled to herself, her thumping heartbeat and the thought of the drop below had caught up with her. Wiping that smirk right off her face.

When Max reached the other side and hopped down to safety, he offered up a hand for Perri to grab for stability in those final few steps.

She scowled at him when she saw his hand extended toward her and ignored it.

As she stepped down from the bridge, he attempted to help her. "Don't touch me." She growled.

Max scoffed. He glared at her and went to speak but was interrupted by a violent cough. Forcing him to turn from her and cough into his sleeve again.

Perri pulled a face, her upper lip curled revealing her teeth.

"Sounds like it's got bones in it." She said jokingly, though he didn't find it funny.

"Shut up." Max spat. He cleared his throat and wheezed a little as he caught his breath. "Let's go." He gave Perri a pointed nod toward the door.

Perri smiled. She still thought it was funny. And even more so when she knew it pushed his buttons.

They went inside and continued stalking along quietly.

Most of the doors that they passed were marked as cleared. Any openings were completely blocked with furniture.

The only way forward was undoubtably set up to allow for the fastest movement possible. The man who had forged the path must have created this to be used as an escape route.

Having barricaded any unnecessary passage ways or dead ends. Leaving only one way out. A way entirely void of debris.

The pair followed the trail through corridors, down stairs, up stairs, over a catwalk, down some more stairs and to a window. Outside the window was a ladder that descended into an alley way.

They couldn't see the bottom of the ladder because it led down into darkness. A dark hole surrounded by a makeshift covering of wood and sodden blankets.

"Well go on. Go check it out." Max gave Perri a nudge before he needed to turn away and cough more. Droplets of sweat coated his forehead and his breath was labored.

He didn't look too good, so, Perri didn't argue.

She poked her head out the window to scan for infected before she climbed out and mounted the ladder.

"Call out to me if you get eaten."

Perri ignored Max and stepped cautiously down the ladder.

The rungs were a bit slimy beneath her shoes as she neared the hole.

She tried to shift her position to take a look down.

That's when she slipped and fell. Plunging into the darkness below.

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