Heartaches and Heartbreaks

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"Ava wake up!" My dad hollered as he knocked on my room door, but eventually let himself in. "Oh you're already awake. That's surprising."

I stood there putting a hoodie on and turned to him, "Yeah ever since that idiot," I said pointing to Ella who was on my floor sleeping, "got drunk and threw up everywhere including on my bed. I couldn't sleep, so I just stayed up all night." I said harshly while out of breath.

"Oh, sorry about that. I guess I should've stopped her from over doing it last night." He said halfheartedly laughing, while looking at her passed out on the ground.

I looked back at her then turned around and walked out of the room past my dad, "Aren't you going to wake her up or something?" He asked still standing by my door looking at me and her back and forth. 

I turned to him and smirked, "Nope, she can sleep there for all I care, especially since she threw up everywhere making me clean it up afterwards." I said bluntly.

My dad took one look at her then me and sighed, shutting my door, without any argument, "ok let's head out then." He said as we both exited the house.


"Hello Ava how are you today?" Ms. Adams said while writing in her notebook and smiling at me.

"I still feel the same, but this time I'm tired." I said sighing. 

She squinted her eyes at me and wrote in her notebook. "Why are you tired?" She asked.

"Well if you must know, I had to clean up a puke mess, because my friend, Ella, threw up everywhere and I got no sleep because of her." I said getting annoyed.

Ms. Adams just sat there nodding her head and smiled, "So you've made a friend? That's good." 

I looked up at her, " What?.... No that's not what I meant. I don't have any friends." Do I?

She just nodded her head still smiling, "So is this Ella girl, who is not your friend, a person you like being around?"

I sat there staring at her, " She is a pest a lot of the time, but she can be.... fun." I said mentally smirking, but I guess Ms. Adams saw it.

"I see you've learned to smile or smirk, she said smiling, "That's great!" She continued to write things in her notebook.

I sat in my spot looking down thinking, "Yeah as annoying as she is, Ella is somewhat the reason why I'm smirking now." I said touching my mouth.

"That's good, so I'm assuming Ella is a good influence on you?" She proceeded.

"I guess." I said. Feeling tired of answering her questions, I decided to get up and leave.

"Again, but we are not done here?" Ms. Adams said confused, while getting up from her seat. I ignored her and continued to walk out of the room.

"Well I am. See you next week.... maybe." I said saying the last part under my breath while exiting the room.


"I still can't believe you just left me passed out on your floor and didn't care to wake me up when you left." Ella pouted, while we sat at the lunch table. 

"Well maybe next time you'll think twice, before getting drunk and puking everywhere." I snapped.

"I've told you a million times I was sorry, so why can't you apologize back now." She asked while puffing out her lips. "Because I don't feel like it." I said bluntly while taking a bite of my pudding.

She plopped her head on the table, "you're so mean!"

I mentally rolled my eyes, "Fine, I'm sorry." I said having a hard time saying the last part, but felt relieved afterwards.

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