Ten - You Forgot Your Pants

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Dana and Katie took their time waking up in the morning. It took them longer to admit that they were both awake. Katie's face reddened when her eyes connected with Dana's. She quickly moved away from Dana and nervously muttered, "Sorry," under her breath. Katie knew that she had been sleeping on Dana's chest, but she was hoping that Dana wouldn't know it was intentional. Dana, however, wasn't thinking about the situation as deeply as Katie was. The only thoughts that came across Dana's mind seemed to be how adorable and cute she thought Katie was. Dana believed she could stare at Katie for hours and be perfectly content.

Katie was unaware of the small movements and mannerisms she had that Dana enjoyed so much. Katie had no idea that Dana paid any attention to the fact that the more nervous she was, the quicker Katie moved away from others and pulled her arms close to her chest. She didn't know that when she got self-conscious or became unsure of herself, she would brush a strand of her long black tresses behind her small olive ear. Katie had no idea that Dana paid any attention at all. Dana didn't even know for the most part.

Dana didn't recognize that she often observed Katie and her habits. Dana believed that the way people act when they don't know others are watching is when they're being the most honest. She loved to people watch strangers and create stories in her mind of who those strangers are and where they come from. When it came to people she knew, Dana was mostly curious how different people in her life acted in front of her and when they believed they were alone. It just so happened that Dana was most intrigued by Katie. She loved to observe Katie. Dana didn't realize that she spent more time observing Katie than she did others. She just assumed that she observed who was around her the most – that made sense to Dana. She never once thought that she was giving Katie any special attention.

Dana had lost herself in her observational thoughts after she and Katie had woken up. Katie wrung her hands while speaking softly to Dana, and avoided most eye contact. Dana was intrigued by Katie's behavior. Katie was known to be outgoing and confident, but that's not at all how she was acting in that moment. It was so intriguing to Dana that she nearly wanted to take notes as if she were observing a wild animal. Dana just wanted to know more. However, Katie's shy demeanor prevented Dana from doing so. Instead, she excused herself to the bathroom and offered for Katie to stay for however long she felt comfortable. Dana used the excuse of the bathroom to escape downstairs and leave Katie to herself.

Dana skipped downstairs with an unusual pep in her step, and headed straight for the kitchen. She went directly into the fridge and scavenged for something to eat. Eddie was leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when Dana came running downstairs. "Where's Katie?" He asked with a mouthful of cereal.

"She's still asleep." Dana answered absentmindedly, and then immediately closed the refrigerator door and spun herself around on her heel to face her cousin. "How'd you know Katie was here?"

"I heard you guys talking last night." Eddie was still chomping away at his breakfast. "So you two finally-"

"No." Dana cut him off without hesitation. "She was upset and spent the night here. That's all." Dana reassured him that nothing happened. Eddie shot her a look then proceeded to slurp his leftover cereal milk.

Katie bounced down the stairs and walked into the kitchen looking for Dana. "Hey Dana, I'm going to-" Katie cut herself off when she saw Eddie. "Oh, hey Eddie." She gave him a genuine smile and he sent a mocking glare in Dana's direction.

"Ignore him." Dana shot a look right back to Eddie. "What's up?"

"Oh, I was just saying that I was going to head back home."

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