A New Request

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Something was happening, through Ergen had no idea exactly what it was a he watched the city beneath him. It was busy just as it normally was, but now there seemed to be more guards than usual spread throughout the streets, back alleys and a large open fenced off area outside of the city walls that Ergen guessed was used for events. More and more groups of soldiers were arriving by the hour, and Ergen was wondering if perhaps their war had started in earnest before a soft glow suddenly landed on the end of his snout.

"Good morning!" Rae shouted happily as she greeted him, and Ergen only hummed deeply in reply as he set an even gaze on her. "S-still haven't forgiven me?"

Sighing in reply, Ergen wondered if there was some kind of magic that would allow him to speak to other people before Rae started walking across his snout and towards the horns at the back of his head, which was strange to watch as it appeared she was walking straight towards his eyes before she suddenly disappeared as she walked on the flat area between them where he couldn't see. However, with his discomforts aside, Ergen had mostly forgiven the fairy by now, through he at least still wanted her to regret it a little bit more before he let her know that.

"You sure have a big home..." Rae said almost to herself as Ergen knew that she was looking over the once again open arena. The sky was completely clear of clouds and the hot sun was raining down it's heat on top of them, though thankfully some of Asal's mages had made a small lake on one side of the arena which was deep enough for Ergen to submerge himself, and he climbed down from the walls and headed towards it now as he was tired of drying out his scales in the heat. The cool water felt like bliss compared to the hot sun, and Ergen grunted in pleasure after submerging and lifting his head out of the water, only for Rae to start sputtering as she'd still been on his head what he'd entered the water.

"Alright, I get that you're still mad but please don't drown me!" The fairy pleaded from the top of Ergen's head, and he couldn't help but smile inwardly as he'd had a small taste of revenge. Though the feeling didn't last long before the doors to the arena opened and a group of people walked inside. And after seeing the first few elves walk inside, Ergen already knew that Farell would be among them as he seemed to spend even more time in the arena with him than Rae did. Apparently, the other races of the Demon King's army still remembered that the elves had only recently been allied to Ligan, and they were resented for it. Therefore, most of the elven population inside of the city resided in the arena walls around Ergen where they were left alone, though the structure was so massive that he hardly ever saw any of them. And while he'd expected to see Farell, Ergen hadn't been expecting to see another familiar face accompanying the man as Sheera appeared to have made a full recovery and was walking alongside him.

"Ergen, this Sheera Ike, King Farell's eldest daughter and first princess of the elves. Sheera, this is Ergen, water dragon, irritable person and all around meanie that doesn't know how to forgive people." Rae introduced them to each other, though the way that she'd done it made Ergen want to flick her off of the top of his head again.

"I-I'm very glad to finally meet you Ergen. I suppose I have you to thank for saving my life." Sheera bowed slightly, noticibly nervous about speaking to a dragon, and all Ergen could do was grunt softly in respond as the group hesitated at the water's edge and only the top of his head was visible as he looked at them. With the situation as it was, an outsider might have thought that a group of elves were being stalked by a massive crocodile that was hiding in the water.

"Sorry, he doesn't say much." Rae said arrogantly from the top of Ergen's head, almost as if they'd been together for years and she knew everything about him. "Though he can write the human language though."

I Guess I'm a Dragon Now (Part 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz