Chapter 5

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Aman's P.O.V

Rehaan told me everything that happened. He seemed really excited when telling me about her best friend.

"Did you do something to piss her off?" I asked familiar by his antiques.

But he looked at me offended. "I told you I didn't do anything. She just didn't like me."

"That does not make sense. You must have done something. Maybe not today. Have you met her before?"

"I don't think so. I would have remembered meeting such a beautiful-"

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Beautiful?"

His face flushed. "I meant- she is obviously beautiful, you know I don't lie."

"Just yesterday you lied to me about eating my snacks." I reminded him.

"That does not count!" He whined.

I laughed. "And why is that?"

"Just- just because! You have become meaner."

"Meaner? I just bought you a phone." I said reminding him of the phone I pre ordered for him.

"That's not a big deal. You have lots of money but your words, they break my heart." He said wiping his non existent tears.

"Okay okay drama queen. I am sorry." I said.

"I forgive you." He said cheerfully and jumping out of his seat. "I have work to do. You shouldn't slack off just because you are the CEO."

He practically ran out of the office after that.

Rehaan's P.O.V

It's ten in the morning and Alina will be coming in an hour. I knocked on Aman's office to remind him.

"Come in."

I walked in and sat down infront of him. "So you ready to meet her officially?"

"It's not too late to cancel it, is it?" He said.

I looked at him suprised. "Are you that nervous?" I said laughing.

"No! I am not nervous. I just think that today's not a good day to meet her." He said defending himself which just made me laugh more.

"It will be fine, don't worry. I am sure she will like you." I said comforting him.

"Really? You think so?" He asked looking like a little kid who just got told that Santa Clause exists.

I smiled and answered, "Ofcourse. If she doesn't then I am sure she must be retarded."

He laughed. "Whatever." He said still smiling.

"Hey! I made you laugh, didn't I?" I said. 

Alina's P.O.V

I woke up really early. My stomach was in twists because of excitement along with nervousness. I didn't got up till two hours later because I was too lazy to do it.

Finally getting up I decided to cook breakfast but I kept dropping everything as I kept zoning out.

Hearing the commotion, Madiha woke up. "What the hell are you doing so early in the kitchen?!" She asked.

I looked at her sheepishly. "I wanted to cook breakfast for you." I said slightly pouting.

She quietly grabbed her mug and started making coffee. "And what exactly are you making?"

"Eggs and toast. Simple yet tasty." I said happily.

"You do realise that the toaster is not on and the eggs are burning, right?" She asked in a bored tone.

I hurriedly looked down and the eggs were almost black in some places. I quickly turned off the stove and checked on the toasts and  the toaster was actually turned off.

"What's with you? You are not this clumsy or irresponsible." She asked sipping her coffee.

I groaned. "I am just so nervous about the interview. What if I mess it up like I did now? Maybe I should reschedule it? Yes! I should."

"Woah woah woah! Stop! You don't need to reschedule. You will be fine. You just need some caffeine in your system. I will make you some coffee and breakfast. Why don't you go take a shower till then?"

She practically shoved me to my room and went back to the kitchen.

I opened my closet to look at all the possible options for today's outfit. I stood there just staring at the clothes which I do very often. I grabbed a pair of  blue jeans and a white top. Professional enough.

I turned on the warm water faucet and started washing myself. As expected I spent a lot of time in there and soon Madiha came knocking.

"Breakfast is done. Come out now."

"Okay!" I said. Quickly turning off the faucet. I dried myself and wore the clothes.

I went to the kitchen and saw Madiha eating on the breakfast bar.

I grabbed a stool and sat down beside her. She passed me my mug and I thanked her sipping on my much needed coffee.

After a few sips, I started eating. "Better now? She asked.

I nodded my head. "Yes. I am still nervous but it's better than before."

"Good. I really thought you will burn down the kitchen." She laughed.

"Hey! I am a good cook."

"Yes you are. Except not in the morning when you have no sense of reality." She said with a straight face.

We both stared at each other and then burst out in giggles.

I looked at the time. "Anyways, you know how much I love you right?"

"What do you want?" She asked looking at me skeptically.

"I don't want anything. Why would you even ask that?" I said gasping.

She just looked at me with the face 'don't act I know everything'.

"Fine", I sighed. "Come with me to the interview."

She immediately shook her head.

"Please! Please please please. Pretty please. Pretty please with a cherry on top " I pleaded.

"Fine! Stop saying that."

I beamed at her. "Yay! Go and get ready." I said jumping up and down. 

Madiha's P.O.V

She never fails to convince me. I really had no intention of meeting that jerk face again. But I can't say no to her, now can I?

She is too cute for her own good. Why does she had to have those puppy eyes and pouty lips?!

Frustrated I quickly grabbed some clothes and went to shower. I hope I just don't run into him. I really don't like him.

After showering I went to Alina's room to check up on her and she was sitting their with her hair open which looked like in  the middle of an existential crisis.

"Why? Why can't I do my hair?" She cried.

"You are such a baby. Why didn't you call me?" Chuckling I grabbed her hair and started tieing it in a ponytail.

I pulled out some fringes from the front to frame her face. "Done. See it was so easy?"

"For you." She was still sulking.

I laughed shaking my head. "Shall we go now?"


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Stay safe and healthy~
- Author

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