8 - Áttunda

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I sat up in bed after another dream of the cottage. It was just as unsettling as last time.

Why do I have the feeling something bad is happening and I have no clue? I wish I could find out what is going on or what is going to happen.

You know how your gut feeling tells you something isn't right and then you try finding what's possibly wrong in every little thing.

There's the thing with Sven asking me to stay safe. I mean, was it a general, goodbye gesture or did it mean something more?

Ugh, why is he so creepy?

There's Starke and his packmates who are probably undecided about what to think of me. I can't go on and tell them everything about me. I don't even know if Carson told them about me being a dyrith. They're just going to be more curious as to what I am besides a werewolf. Whether I pose any threats.

And then there's the issue of him. I sighed.

I was sure I'd found him that day. His scent was really strong which could only mean he was really close. And he knew I was there. So why didn't he come to claim me?

Doesn't he want me?

Getting out of bed, I put on my grey fluffy bunny slippers and slowly walked to the washroom.

So comfy though.

I got ready for the day and put on a light pistachio-colored tshirt dress with black leggings and my favorite winter boots.

I grabbed my breakfast and coat and was soon heading to the university. I walked into my Microprocessors lecture and took a seat next to Starke and Hayes.

"Hi guys," I said.

"Hey Rayne," they replied.

I picked my hair up and tied it into a ponytail when I saw Starke staring.

"What?" I said suddenly conscious of myself.

"Nothing. It's nothing," said Starke. Hayes laughed as he looked at his friend. You could tell he trained everyday from his well-built figure underneath his light jacket.

The teacher walked in with his laptop bag and attendance sheet. He set everything on his desk and looked up to the class.

"Good morning everyone. We're having some new students over for the term as part of the student-transfer program. I'd like you to help them settle in and have them leave with a good impression of our university."

"New students? Why don't I like the sound of that?" said Starke.

I just smiled at him as our teacher went out of the classroom for a couple of minutes. He returned with a few students following behind him.

The moment they came in I realized this was no coincidence.

There were four students. Three tall and muscular boys and a quite beautiful redhead girl. One of them, all too familiar.

"Sven," I heard Hayes say, smirking.

Sven walked forward confidently and I could hear some girls giggling over how handsome he was. I just rolled my eyes as he sat right beside me.

"Surprised to see me?" he asked and I could see the mischief in his eyes.

"Well not really, we have the prettiest girls, so it's about time you made your way here," Hayes said shaking his hand the way guys do.

I laughed at the comment, as Sven smiled and looked towards Starke.

He seemed awfully quiet, staring towards the window. I followed his gaze to see the red-headed girl who looked right back at him.

"Hey, Red got your tongue?" Sven laughed at Starke.

Starke remained unmoving and just stared at her intently.

"Is she your mate, Starke?" I asked him quietly. The way he looked at her was all too familiar.

I saw her softly smile at him as he smiled back.

"I hope you revised the list of 8086 instructions I'd taught you last week. We'll be looking at programs using those instructions today," the teacher said pulling us all out of our thoughts.

I noticed Starke look at the girl once a while during the class.

"Who is she?" I whispered and asked Sven.

"She's a friend," he said.

"You know the other transfer students too?" I asked him. He just laughed at me.

"What?" I asked him.

The bell rung to indicate the time for the next period.

"I just thought it would be nice to introduce you to my family Rayne," he said with a wide grin.

Wait, what?

Everyone quickly left in a hurry to their classes whereas the new students, Hayes, Starke and I remained.

There were two students other than Sven and the red-headed girl.

The girl came closer to Starke and touched his cheek. Starke shuddered at her touch. They were mates. I probably felt the happiest for him.

Just admit it. You didn't like the way he looked at you, Rayne.

I just smiled and ignored the stupid thoughts in my head.

He slowly wrapped his arms around her, as if testing unknown waters, then touched his forehead with hers and smiled when she did too, breathing out softly in relief.

The boys around started howling and clapping, congratulating the new pair as I joined them.

At least someone found their soulmate.

Heir To The Iron Crown ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora