Imagine 10 - Sidelines (Latrelle) [requested]

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Heyy guys. Yall wanna follow me? Totally no pressure tho. Up to you :)

Oh and comment! I love seeing them!

Requested by: DatBoiardeimagines4everyone

BTW !! In this imagine Latrelle didn't shoot anybody, and neither did Cesar. Just to keep from repetitive questions :)

Latrelle's POV 

I watch her walk out of school with her group of friends, giggling uncontrollably as the little one had probably told a joke.

The girl with curly hair and boobs walked away with the tall, lost looking kid and the small one, leaving her with him. With Cesar.

My car was parked across the street, windows up so they couldn't identify my face even if they cared to.

It's not like they were paying attention, they were too busy smiling at each other. They turned another corner, I already knew where they were going; the corner store.

I started up my car, driving to the small shop, deciding to watch them. I didn't want him making any moves on her.

Every Friday they went to the corner store, just enjoying each other's company, drinking soda, and eating. Normally, though, it was all of them - not just Cesar and y/n.

Some Fridays I wait at the corner store for her, others I make sure she got out of school okay. But I always wait on her street to make sure she got home safe.

Anything could happen to her, especially being friends with that little Santos boy, so I made sure to keep an eye on her.

I'd be willing to fight -maybe even kill- someone for her. I owe her that much. We're not friends anymore, but I know enough about her and her character to know she's probably still the greatest girl alive, besides my mom and sister.

About ten minutes later, they arrive, his arm slung around her waist.

The sight of her leaning in to his chest as they walk through the door enrages me. That should be me, not that Santos scum.

Your POV

"Lemonade?" Cesar mindlessly asks, already knowing the answer and instinctively grabbing two cans. (might just be me but I'm getting serious Lemonade Mouth vibes. anybody else???)

"You know it," I smile grabbing the can from his hand, walking off to grab my favorite chips. (mine is hot cheetos & nacho cheese doritos. wb yall?) I grab tow bags, knowing I'd eat one on the way home then another when I actually got home. What can I say? I like food.

As I bent down to pick up the bags, a hand tapped my shoulder. 

"What d'you want, Mr.Diet?" I ask, using my nickname for Cesar without actually seeing who it was and proceeding to get my chips.

"Uh, who?" The deep voice questions, causing me to turn to face him. Latrelle. One of the Profits. Dangerous. The group and I had encountered him before, but years ago. He's definitely grown up since then.

"S-Sorry. Thought you were someone else. I should probably go," He didn't seem as harsh as he was before, but I decided to heed Cesar's many warnings, despite my inquires.

"No! I-I mean please? I just wanna talk... for... a second?" He seemingly asked. Was he nervous?

"Uhh, kay. What's up?" He looked confused by my question. "Like what d'you wanna talk about? I don't really know you," I clarified, seeming to make more sense to him.

"Oh! Y-Yeah. Um, so, how've you b-" He was cut off by Cesar slinging his arm across my shoulder.

"Y/N/N? (your nickname) What're you doing talking to," he paused dramatically looking Latrelle up and down, "him?" He finished with a scowl.

"Down, Spot!" I make a joke of his demeanor. "We're just... talking. Kinda?," To be fully honest, I wouldn't call whatever we were doing talking. A mix of rambling and stuttering. Stutter-rap, maybe?

Cesar removed his arm from around my shoulder, turning to face me.

"Look. I know you think you know everything, but you don't know who you're dealing with," Cesar's face hardened, giving a rough glance at the black boy in front of us. (lol just makin sure yall know im not hinting at anything race-wise) 

"YoU DoN'T KnoW whO yOu'RE DeALiNg WiTh," I mock him in a goofy tone, causing him to roll his eyes and a quiet chuckle to come from Latrelle - and his now less nervous frame. "Look; go buy your stuff and I'll talk to him. I'll catch up, just wait outside."



He childishly huffs and rolls his eyes, turning to pay for his things - not missing his chance to stare Latrelle down, which Latrelle doesn't back down from either.

"Sorry. About him, I mean. He's just protective."

"Yeah, it's cool," his nervousness seemingly gone, "so how are you? I haven't seen you in years."

"Yeah. Ever since your uncle pulled up on us-" I stop myself realizing it probably won't help lessen the tension thick in the air. "-uh, sorry. I'm good, w-what about you?"

The doorbell dinged, signalling Cesar had left.

"Y-yeah. Sorry about that. I'm good. And I hope you know I didn't mean everything I said back then. I was just a kid following after him. Trying to keep my sister safe-"

"Hey, it's fine, I understand. Everything's cool. How's she doing, by the way? She's - what? - six now?" The palpable air thinned for a moment.

"Good," he smiled just thinking about her. He has a gorgeous smile. "Turns seven in two weeks. Practically bouncing off the walls."

And then it was back.

Not knowing what to say, I simply nod with a smile, thinking over how stupid I am.

"Well, Cesar's probably still fuming; I should calm him down before he does something stupid," I chuckle. I wish I didn't have to leave, but I was absolutely clueless as to what I should say. If I kept the conversation going, he'd probably never wanna speak to me again.

I began going to the cash register.

"W-wait, y/n," I smile at him, edging him on, "if I don't ask now I'll probably never get the chance to later. Or I just won't have the balls to. Can- Can I have your number?" He raises an eyebrow, probably expecting the worse.

"Oh, Latrelle," I said with a saddened voice, "I dunno if I gave you tehwrong impression but I'd gladly give you my number."

"I get it, it's fine, don't worry," He walked to the door. 


After a few more sulky steps, he turned around with a joyous expression, making me laugh.

"That took you so long! I see you're still as dumb as when we were kids."

"And you're just as annoying," he playfully rolled his eyes, smiling at me toothily.

We exchanged numbers, said our goodbyes, and he left while I payed for my food.


I handled that.

love yall. hope this was what you wanted xx

posted: 08.02.18


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