Chapter 20

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There's a theory in the field of aesthetics called the uncanny valley. It holds that when something looks almost like a human being—a mannequin or humanlike robot—it creates revulsion in the observer, because the appearance is so close to human, yet just off enough to evoke a feeling of uncanniness, of something that is both familiar and alien.

It's a similar psychological effect as Jennie walk the streets of the Seoul that's almost hers.

Jennie would take an apocalyptic nightmare any day. Crumbled buildings and gray wasteland don't hold a candle to standing on a corner she have passed a thousand times and realizing that the street names are wrong. Or the coffee place where Jennie always stop to grab her morning triple-shot Americano is a boutique wine shop instead. Or the Starbucks branch she always go to when she's craving for avocado frappuccino. Or her house that is inhabited by strangers.


This is the fourth Chicago they have connected to since escaping that world of sickness and death. Each has been like this one—almost home.

Night is imminent, and since they have taken four hits of the drug in fairly rapid succession with no recovery period, the three have decide for the first time not to return to the box.

It's the same hotel in Logan Square where Jennie stayed in Jisoo's world.

The neon sign is red instead of green but the name is the same—HOTEL ROYALE—and it's just as quirky, just as frozen in time, but in a thousand insignificantly different ways.

Their room has two double beds.

Rosésets the plastic bags containing toiletries and thrift-store clothes on the dresser beside the television.

Pulling off her hoodie and undershirt, Jennie says, "I'm too gross to even have an opinion about this place."

Jennie tosses them into the waste bin.

Rosé laughs. "You don't want to get into a who's-more-disgusting competition with me."

"I'm surprised they rented us a room at any price."

"That might tell you something about the quality of establishment we're dealing with." Jisoo says.

Jennie goes to the window, part the curtains.

It's early evening.


The exterior hotel sign bleeds red neon light into the room.

Jennie couldn't begin to guess the day or date.

She says to Jisoo, "Bathroom's all yours."

Jisoo grabs her things from the plastic bag.

Soon, Jennie and Rosé can hear the bright sound of running water echoing off the tile.

Jisoo calls out, "Oh my God, you guys to take a bath! You have no idea!"

The other two is too dirty to lie down on the bed, so they sit on the carpet next to the radiator, letting waves of heat wash over them and watching the sky darken through the window.

"Is it okay for you?" Jennie says through the silence. 

Rosé  looks at Jennie, "Are you talking about the room or..." she lets the sentence fall off.

 "About Lisa." Jennie avoided Rosé's gaze, "I know that you love her so why are you helping me?"

It was quiet for a moment before Rosé decided to answer, "Helping you is not because I'm selfless Jennie, it's because I want to survive this-" she stopped and swallows, "and because I have nowhere else to go."

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