Chapter 13

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"Now, peculiarity is a recessive gene carried on through families, sometimes it only skips one generation, sometimes ten, or even a hundred. Because peculiarity is so rare our kind has found itself persecuted through the ages, which led to the lifestyle you see before you." Miss Peregrine explained to Aurora as the three of them walked through the garden.

"Because of the influence over time that ymbrynes posses we are charged with the care of the young, committing ourselves to the creation and upkeep of places like this."

"How many loops are there?" Aurora wondered looking around the garden.

"There's no definitive number, old loops close and new loops are made every day."

"I can show you the Map of Days later if you'd like." Millard offered, "It should still be in my room where I left it. It catalogues every known loop in the peculiar world."

"Because our abilities don't fit in the outside world, we found that living in time loops was better for everyone." Miss Peregrine continued explaining, "It's common for peculiar children to be runaways, living frightened and alone; some possess gifts so extreme that they are a danger to themselves and those around them. Like Olive, her gloves are the only protection she has, yet here she is among others who accept her, don't fear her, a place where she can learn and grow away from the world's hostilities."

As they walked they passed two children dressed identically in what looked like pure white circus costumes, they wore masks to cover their faces and were playing what looked like 'patty cake', Aurora thought she heard them talking to each other but as they got closer she realized it was just grumbles and low screeches.

"These are the twins." Miss Peregrine informed her as the pair stopped their game at the exact same moment to look at her.

"They are at once two halves of a whole." Miss Peregrine continued, "The twins share a special bond unlike any other. Say hello."

They both nodded their heads simultaneously, Aurora lifted her hand and gave a small wave to which the twins replied with a noise that she guessed sounded approving. They went back to their game as Miss Peregrine continued to lead her around with Millard tagging behind, he patted the twins on the head and followed the headmistress.

"That's Claire Densmore, she has a back mouth, you'll see tonight at dinner, though try not to stare, she's quite shy about it around newcomers." Miss Peregrine explained as she pointed to a little girl in a pink dress, her blonde hair in perfect curls which bounced as she ran through the fields of flowers making a small bouquet in her fist. Behind Claire were two boys playing soccer, one had light brown hair and a yellow and brown striped shirt the other had dark black hair slicked back and wore a white buttoned up shirt.

"That's Hugh Apiston and Victor Bruntley." Miss Peregrine told her.

"Victor's strong, and his sister Bronwyn is as well." Aurora remembered from one of her many talks with Millard.

"Precisely, and Hugh has bees living inside him. While I've known many children with peculiarities strongly connected to the natural world I've never before seen that bond be quite so intimate. Our home tends to become like a hive of bees at times, but don't worry Hugh's bees are just as sweet as he is, unless provoked of course." As Miss Peregrine gave her explanation Aurora noticed Victor had started to stare at her, he didn't stop until Hugh stole the ball from between his feet and made for the goal, only then did Victor return to his game. Aurora assumed it was because she was new, like Millard said the children here loved making new friends.

"The boy sitting beneath that shrub there is Horace Somnusson." Miss Peregrine continued pointing to a well dressed boy who sat in the shade reading a book. "He can project his dreams, some of which are prophetic. I must confess that just the other night his dreams were mostly about the two of you. That's how we knew you'd be coming."

A Peculiar Time in 1944 - A Millard Fanfic (Miss Peregrine's Home) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now