chapter sixteen

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At thirty weeks pregnant, Rory prepared for the biggest day of her life.

She had begun to get ready early in the morning, double and triple checking every detail, no matter how small. This was going to be the best day of her life, everything had to be perfect.

"You look beautiful," Nadya told her, staring at her in her dress, "that dress is gorgeous,"

"Thanks," Rory laughed airily. She truly felt beautiful. Her stomach turned in anticipation whenever she thought of her beautiful fiancée. She couldn't wait to see Sadie at the end of the aisle, the place where they would meet and start the rest of their lives together.

It had been an amazing journey, one that she had been glad to share with the love of her life. Every day of their life together was an adventure, a risk Rory was always willing to take. She never did like adventure, but when it was with Sadie, she was willing to do anything.

She had found that her sole purpose in life was to make sure that Sadie was happy, nothing else. She knew that soon, her life would be taken over by the baby growing inside of her that very instant, but she would make the most of the time where she was solely responsible for loving her wife with all of herself.

Every time she thought of marrying Sadie, she felt so excited to be able to spend the rest of her life with the love of her life. She was glad to be surrounded by everyone who cared about her, everyone who stayed by her side through the whole long process of self-discovery that she had put them through. Now, she knew the people that really cared about her and would stick by her in times of crisis.

Sadie, in her room, was shaking with excitement. She was exhilarated by the thought of getting married. She had dreamed of that day since she was a little girl, imagined herself wearing a long white dress. The reality was better than she ever could have imagined. She imagined how Rory looked, baby bump protruding, a pregnant glow lighting up her features. She carried more beauty than Sadie could ever imagine.

"So, everything's all good?" Her sister, Elena, asked. She had recently flown in from the medical school she had been attending. She hadn't been around for most of the planning, but Sadie still would have felt very guilty if she had excluded her from the wedding party, since they had promised each other decades ago that they would both be bridesmaids in each other's weddings whenever they got married, no matter what. They had even planned for in case one of them died before they got married; they would honour their memory during the ceremony.

Though Sadie and Elena hadn't been incredibly close growing up, they still had some great memories from when they were children. These were also the kind of promises that sisters made to each other, the promises of being bridesmaids when the other got married.

"Everything's good," Zach announced as he passed, nodding in the direction of his sisters. He, on the other hand, had done more since he had gotten here than any of her siblings. He truly wanted to be a part of things, something that Sadie found very special. When she was nineteen years old, she wasn't as great of a person than he was.

"You're sure?" Sadie breathed, staring at herself in the floor-length mirror. Her dream was slowly becoming a reality. She saw herself looking in the mirror, looking like something straight out of a Disney movie, and couldn't believe it. It was everything that she had ever imagined she would look like as a kid, maybe more.

"Something's wrong," Noah barged through the door, not bothering to knock.

She and Zach both spun around so quickly that they give themselves whiplash, "What?" Zach snapped, knowing for certain that he had triple checked everything that had anything to do with the wedding.

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