Chapter 29: F*cked Up

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Cole's POV

Well, I guess we're just going to continue being interrupted constantly. I just want to mark Rose at the very least! 

Another scream filling the room pushes us into action as we throw on our clothes and race downstairs to see frantic pack members. Leaving Drew to see the pack members to safety, we head outside. Aghast, we stare at the destruction in front of us. 

Damon lies on the floor, bleeding from what looks like deep scratches that line his chest and face. Seems like he's been in a fight. Luke, the pack doctor, rushes out before taking Damon away, as Rose stares on in horror. 

"What's going on Cole? Who could have hurt Damon? He left with Eric, but where's Eric?" Rose looks around, trying to see everything that's going on. 

My face goes blank as I calculate the situation. Damon had deep scratches from a wolf, but it shouldn't have affected him this much if he was fighting in wolf form. Which means he was fighting in human form against a wolf, which isn't something we usually do. It's the only plausible idea though. 

Where is Alpha Eric? Could he have been as hurt as Damon? Did Damon drag himself to our pack house looking for help for Eric? I have to go look in the forest with the pack warriors. It might help make the identity of our assailant a little more transparent. 

Quickly leaving Rose under Drew's care, I shift into my wolf form. Running after Damon's scent trail and the trail of blood, I find myself in a clearing. There's only one other scent...

Eric. He's gone now. Damon has to wake up, I need to know what Eric did and what he's planning to do. He's out for blood. 

Running back to the pack house, I rush in and seeing everyone safe, I immediately try to find Rose. I need to hug her right now, more than anything. To feel the satisfaction and security that comes with knowing she's mine, and I need to know she's safe. 

Finally, I track her down speaking to the pack doctor outside of Damon's room. Judging from their expressions, Damon's awake, but there's bad news. Some other bad news. As she spots me, Rose runs to me, hugging me tightly. 

"What's wrong? What happened?" I gently push a strand of her hair back, lifting her chin and searching her eyes. My heart can't help but break as I see the tears forming. "Rose, you need to tell me what's wrong, please don't cry sweetheart," I whisper, trying to figure out the situation.

"Eric did that to Damon. He's gone crazy, he's coming to the pack house and he's coming to get me. I don't want to leave you Cole. I'm scared!" The words come out in a rush, but I understand the gist. Nothing is going to happen to my mate. 

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I burrow my face into her neck, taking her scent in. "Rose, you need to believe me, that I will protect you, no matter what. You are my number one, you are my mate, and I will do anything to protect you," I smile at her, trying to comfort her with my words. 

Backing away from me, she shakes her head vehemently, "You don't get it! You don't understand how psychotic he is! He's horrible, he's someone who will do anything to HURT me if he can't have me! You can't just be sending out all the pack warriors and go out yourself to search for him when the pack house is in danger! What are you thinking?!" 

Stepping closer, I growl as my claws come out. "And you don't seem to understand that when I mean anything, I mean anything. I'm not known as one of the most feared Alphas for nothing. This is my pack, and no one can hurt anyone on my land. I will do anything, even if that means killing everyone in my path. Stop questioning my actions, and get out of my sight!" Roaring, I punch a hole into the wall beside me, leaving a gaping hole. 

Hearing a small whimper behind me, I turn back around to see Rose slowly backing away from me. Immediately, I regret everything. She's someone who might appear strong at times, but she has been through a lot of traumatic events, and I completely ignored that and acted violently. Walking forward, I try to reach out for her but Rose simply runs away with tears falling. 

I am an idiot, who just made yet another mistake. I just can't bear the thought of losing her, ever. I have never been as happy as I have been with her. With her, nothing matters but us. I lost control at that moment and even though I didn't want to hurt her at all, I scared her. At that moment, all I saw in her eyes was horror and fear. 

I want to go after her, but it wouldn't be the right thing. She just needs space, and I have to push my feelings aside right now. I have to focus on the most important issue at the time, and that is catching Eric before he hurts anyone else. 

I will make him pay for what he's done. I just hope that Rose will forgive me. I don't want to lose her but I'm scared that I've fucked things up. I have a lot of grovelling to do after all this. 

A/N: Sorry for the late update, it's been a little busy, but I'm back on schedule now! There is also a new cover, and a huge thanks to Aniahya Graphics (@Ravioli_Xx) for taking the time to make this amazing cover and letting me use it!!! 

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