1- I Think I'm...

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Crazy. That's what they call me.

It always makes me laugh because honestly...they have no idea. By 'They' I mean my classmates, my teachers, my parents. Everybody.

They're lucky I don't want to be locked up just yet or else...

A smile creeps on to my face.

...well, I would have a little fun.

I've been known to be kinda unstable here and there, nothing too serious. I chuckle.

Sitting in the back in Mr.Roger's math class now, my classmates shift in their seats uncomfortably in front of me, some sneaking cautious glances back at me. I make eye contact with Hannah, a cheerleader who, at first, would push me around with her friends, but now after I "accidentally" cut her finger in science class during a dissection, stays clear of me, and I'm sure, is afraid of me.

I burst out laughing, remembering the event.

She looked at me like I was Satan. Scared shitless and, yeah, I'm pretty damn close to him.

I notice the absence of Mr.Roger's voice and look up. The whole class stares back at me, most of them, including the teacher, terrified. The rest look like their about to pass out.

"I-Is everything o-ok, Ms. Harrison?" Mr. Roger stutters out. I turn my grin towards him.

"No sir, of course not. Please go on, I'm so sorry." I say as polite as possible. He takes a deep breath and nods at me, resuming class. I scoff.

What a baby, a grown man who can't even handle a high schooler.

I shake my head.

I guess I can't blame him, though. I'm kinda hard to deal with. I sigh.

This place is sooo boring. So is my life. I just need something that's a bit of fun...or I'll have to make some.

And that's just asking for trouble.


I walk down the street, finally heading home after hours of looking through books at the library. I like death and wars alot.

The thought of thousands of people dying for something as cruel as a country, just makes me giddy. I might join the army.

It'd probably smack me back to reality. But I've never really been there so, I guess I couldn't go back. Eh, whatever.

"Help! Someone, please help! He's going to-" I freeze. The screams came from an alley I had just passed.

I feel my body tremble.

No, I can't, I shouldn't but...

I turn around and jog back to the alleyway.

I feel something bubble inside me. Something like, like I've never felt before.

I peak around the side of the wall, seeing two figures. It's dark, but the moonlight shows a boy, around my age with a gun against a middle aged man's head who's on his knees.

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