Chapter 50

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Working with Jacob has been so different than Oliver. With Oliver I was emotionally involved in every aspect of his life, be it professional or personal. I was always excited to see his face very morning. I was never in a hurry to leave the office, because it meant leaving Oliver for the rest of the day. But here, I was just working to make my ends meet. Just to pay my bills and the loan I had to take when mom was hospitalised three months back. Mr. Richmond is a good man. He has always been very kind to me and he has always led a helping hand when it comes toy mom, for which I am grateful to him. But still I find it hard to put my heart and soul into this job. Oliver has left a scar on my heart deep enough to affect my life forever. I was still into deep thoughts, when my phone ring startled me. Picking up the receiver I spoke" Yes, Mr. Richmond".

"Samantha, I need you in my cabin in five minutes, with Hotel Maryland project file", he replied.

"Yes Sir, I will...", And he cut the call before I could finish my sentence.

Grabbing the file I looked at my coffee which I forgot to drink and would have turned ice cold by now, I sighed and headed towards Mr. Richmond's cabin.


Giving a slight knock on the door I pushed it open and peeked inside.
"Come in Sam", he said with a smile.

"Thank you Sir. You look in a good mood today", I said placing the file on his desk and grabbing a chair to sit.

"You know me so well. Don't you? Well yes I am quite happy. The deal I was trying to crack for so long, looks like it is finally coming into my pocket", he said closing his laptop's flap down.

"Which deal?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Hotel Maryland one. Well you know that they are opening a fashion gallery at the top floor of the hotel right? "

"Eh ha" I nodded.

"It is going to be a big deal, taking into consideration the elite clients that are regular visitors of the hotel. I desperately wanted the rights of that fashion gallery, for the obvious reasons. But it seemed impossible, because one of my competitors had family connections with the hotel heirs. But to my pleasant surprise, he has offered me a deal. We can have a right in 50-50 partnership, because this guy seemed to be very impressed with my track record so far and want to work with me. Isn't that great?"

"It is. Who is the competitor? Er... I mean the person who offered the deal?" I inquired.

"Well this is the best part. You know this person, and I want you to be the primary point of contact in this project going forward just to make things run smoothly. I can not at all afford to make any mistakes" he said sipping his coffee.

Hearing this I got a strange sensation all through my body. I could feel a mixture of goosebumps and butterflies in my head and stomach at the same time. With a lot of hesitation in my voice I asked, "Wh... Who exactly are you talking about Sir?"

"Mr. Taylor. Your ex boss and my biggest competitor. I am so glad that I hired you. I knew you would prove to be a great asset one day. I am sure having worked for him for so many years you know him very well. His likes and dislikes. His preferences and tastes. I just want you to keep him happy as we finalize the deal", he said without noticing the disappointment on my face.

"Are you listening Sam?" He asked again and I realised I had been sitting there dumbstruck for a while.

"Er... Y... Yes Sir. I am listening. I just don't think I am the right person for the intermediary's role. I.. mean I have never played such a part in any deals before", I said tugging a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well then this is your chance to shine. Go ahead and show me your skills. And if this goes on well then I'll feature your designs in the gallery as a debutante".

My eyes went wide at his proposal. He was giving me a chance to fulfill my dream. I stared at him surprised.

"What? You think I don't know about your secret?" He said sipping his coffee.

"M... My secret?" I asked.

"Yes, I have seen your file. Your designs are good. Very good intact. I can consider giving you a chance", he leaned over and staring in my eyes said, "So, what do you say, will you work out this deal for me?"

I was getting torn between the dilemma of working with Oliver again and fulfilling my dream. But at the corner of my heart, I also wanted to see him. To know that he was alright. So I said, "OK I'll do it".

"Yes! Well then call Mr. Taylor's PA and schedule a meeting to discuss the deal further", he said.

"What?. .. Now?" I asked in a shock to see how fast things were moving.

"Of course. I am not sure that Mr. Taylor, made this offer just to me or someone else too. I just don't want to pass this chance to anyone else. So, go ahead and make a call."

I nodded my head in agreement and excused myself out of his cabin to make the call. I was very nervous. How would he react to know that I am working with his competitor? Who is this new personal assistant he has hired? Has he forgotten me? Does he still miss me? I was dying to know all these answers. Mr. Richmond's deal was not even at the end of my endless list of questions I had in my mind right now.

I picked up the phone and dialled the number, which was my work number for the past three years. The bell kept ringing and my heart went sinking with each ring going unpicked. I did not want this. I wanted to talk to his PA, not him. I called again and again and again but no answer. At least I was left with no other option but to call on his number. With a hope that his PA would pick the call, I dialed his number. The phone rang and rang and I wished to go unanswered. But then someone picked up and I heard the voice I had been dying to hear for so long.

"Hello, Oliver Taylor speaking".

I wanted to reply, but my words got stuck in my throat as I tightened my grip on the phone to stop the tears that were peeking from the corner of my eyes.

"Hello!" He inquired again.

I didn't have the courage to speak so I just hung up, with tears rolling down my cheeks. It was so hard. I wondered how would I finalise the deal if I could just not hold up by hearing his mere voice. I was lost in these thoughts when the phone rang up. I looked at the caller ID. It was Oliver.

Wiping my tears and coughing up to sound normal I picked up the receiver and said, "hello, Jacob Richmond's office. This is his personal assistant, Samantha Ryan speaking".

"Sam, you called? Why didn't you say anything? "

"Oh Mr. Taylor, I think there was some issue in the connection. Um. Yes I called to let you know that Mr. Richmond is very much interested in the hotel Maryland deal and would like to have a further discussions with you. So, I just wanted to know if Friday 12th, 1 o'clock at Le Prima Donna will be fine with you or not?", I said everything in one breath.

"You are working for Richmond now. Yes, please go ahead and schedule the meeting. Also send me the details on my email. I hope you remember my email address", I could hear disappointment in his voice. Disappointment to see me working for someone else. Or maybe disappointment to see me survive the bad break up.

"Thank you Mr. Taylor. Will surely do that. Have a nice day", and I hung up before I could hear anymore of his bitter comments.

This was going to be a very tough ordeal.!!!


Hi readers, I am so sorry for not updating for so long. My daughter was unwell for quite sometime and I was busy taking care of her and managing my work along with it too.

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