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My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. "Miss Dunbar, this is Skyler. I know I told you to get back to me by the end of the week. But I have to unexpectedly go out of town tomorrow."

I was so focused on Skyler's words, they caught me off guard. A car whizzed past me so fast, that some of my hairs flew from the breeze it made in its wake. My puppy was sniffing all around on the sidewalk and grass.

It was so muggy, it felt like thick soupy air all around. Little girls were playing hopscotch, they had drawn with multi-colored sidewalk chalk.

I was around the corner from my house. I live in a one bedroom apartment, in a two family home. I wasn't sure how to answer him.

"Give me a minute to think, please?"

"No problem, I'm driving and I have you on speaker phone. Take your time."

He actually stayed on the phone the whole time, as he continued to drive. There was nothing but silence between us. I arrived home with my brain still in a fog. Princess got her walk, but I was no closer to a decision on whether or not I wanted to move to Savannah.

At this point I'm not sure I want to work for Pennington Inc. any longer.

I got a moment of courage. "Mr. Pennington, I was trying to decide if I would take the position, or not. I'm sorry, but my resignation stands." I spoke with conviction, and was glad that I wasn't standing face to face with him. It might have been harder to say no. He has a powerful presence.

He was silent on the other end of the phone, before saying, "I had hoped you would change your mind. A lot of people quit today, and it is understandable. It's just frustrating for me, as the new CEO. I don't know what to do, Nicole. My father just put a huge weight on my shoulders."

He sounded so pitiful, and like he didn't have a friend in the world. I know what that's like from experience.

The way he just said my name gave me a reason to pause and reconsider. The affect his uncertain vulnerability had on me was without description.

"Well, maybe—" I was cut off by a familiar white car pulling up to my curb.

"Can I call you back? I put your number in my Contacts from my ID." I quickly ended our phone call and shoved my phone in my pocket, without saying goodbye.

Princess stood guard, with a little protective bark. "Auntie Maxine how nice to see you." Unexpected emotions hit me out of nowhere. I fell into her arms, crying on her shoulder.

"Are you sure that you're happy to see me? What's the matter sweetie?" My aunt threw her arms around me in a comforting embrace.

"Let's go inside and talk." She held one arm around me, and shut the door with her other hand as Princess ran inside ahead of us.

My apartment was small, but cozy. I had a living room, with a cream colored plush sofa.

We sat down and my aunt faced me. "Tell me what has you so upset? You aren't a cryer, not even when you were little." My auntie reached out and dabbed at my tears with a tissue from a Kleenex package in her hand bag. She's always carried them.

My shoulders sagged. "I was offered a promotion today at the shipping company I work for. I've been there these past four years. I was debating if I was going to take the job, or not. The company is moving to Savannah, Georgia. I'd have to move and start all over. I'd probably never find my Dunbar family."

"I remember when you started working at Pennington Inc. You were fresh out of college." She still looked puzzled, as to my emotions. But I chose not to discuss it any further.

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