Chapter Two

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Jonah's POV

I move another piece of my war map and knock down a U.S flag. Another territory under my grasp. It's the perfect strategy really. Local packs close off the area by closing major highways and bridges. Then the army swoops in and tears through any resistance put up in a matter of days or even hours. After a base is established, an Alpha placed as regional leader and mindwipe erasing the memory of the attack distributed. The people know that the answer to an Alpha, but they think of him more as a mayor--for now anyhow.

His my grandfather places the U.S piece to the side. The map was being covered more and more with silver crowns. This is my domain. "You're getting close to the Mississippi River. So you think you're ready to the push East? It's the most densely populated section of the country and no doubt it'll the hardest."

"I'm ready to make a hard push into the East. It's the most densely populated and there's more of a risk we're going to miss someone, or people are going to escape because goddess knows there seems to be an airport every couple of hours in the East."

"That's because of all the cities, which brings up another good point. As you swept the west, you passed through a lot of sparsely populated towns, ghost towns really. You're not going to see too many of those anymore."

I nod. "I know. My military is ready. It's going to be a quick operation." I move my pieces on the board so the silver crowns surround the remaining U.S territories. "Operative will get airport security jobs. It'll just happen that at the day of the operation they'll be able to shut the airports down. With all the inhabitants effectively trapped, my army will sweep in."

"And the U.S military? Do you think it will sit idly by?"

A frown crosses my face. "Yes, that presents a challenge."

"Then your plan is half-baked. For all this thinking you did, you forgot the greatest pieces. And you can't make a whole people forget their allegiance to their country. There are many who will pick up arms against you in the name of their nation."

I cast my gaze over every silver piece on the board. "Yes, I neglected that. I'll think of something. The plan won't move on until I do."

"Good." He scratches his graying beard. I see more and more grey hairs by the day. It reminds me that he won't live forever and when he dies, I must be ready to take this on by myself. "If we give the enemy time to recover, your whole plan will be in shambles. Your only advantage is your speed and if you lose it your finish." He yawns. "I'm an old man. I have to rest now."

"Yes, grandfather." He leaves me sitting alone at the table, looking at the silver crowns all by myself. I tap my fingers on the table while I sift through the reports in front of me, pushing the map aside. My team still doesn't know the whereabouts of Imani, I'm starting to suspect that she's closer than I previously thought. My teams have searched visa records in the countries farthest from here. Then they moved to countries she'd previously lived in. England, the Republic of Ireland and Mexico. No one with the name Imani Walker and no sign of her parents though.

The strange thing though, in Dubai came results of a pair of chemists. Their last name: Brohmen. It's like a spark fires through my head. I've seen this name before, but I don't recall where. But it's familiar, very familiar.

I cross the room and ring the bell, waiting for a servant to answer me. A girl scuttles out of the hallway. "Yes, Alpha?"

"Bring me my Beta."

She bows deeply. "At once." In a few minutes, Leon, my Beta is striding into the room, hair messy. It looks like he was sleeping.

"You're always pouring over that map so early in the morning. Some people like to sleep through the night."

"None of that right now." I point at the name on the paper. "Have you heard of that name before?"

Recognition flashes in his eyes as he takes the paper in his hands. "Brohmen. I've heard of it when I was incredibly young. It was a giant scandal almost twenty years ago."

"Tell me more."

"The Red River's Beta ran away with his pregnant mate. It was underheard of before for a Beta to abandon their post. They were going to find him and kill him for desertion, but it was like he vanished. They never saw him or the family again."

"I need a picture of him."

"Why? This is a cold case? The man's probably dead by now."

"Except what if he's not. I know there are multiple families with the same last name, but what's the coincidence a chemist couple applied for visa in Dubai a week after my mate ran away? A werewolf couple no less. I refuse to think they're no connection. Give me a report of this man."

He sighs. "Let me pour through the archives. Give me at least a week to find what I can about this man, although I'm telling you now, there might not be much. I guarantee Red River's Red River has covered up the most of it to spare themselves from too much embarrassment."

"Find what you can and give it to me. I want as much information on Brohmen." I look at the paper again as he walks away. And the story becomes more confusing. I run my fingers through my hair. How much does Imani know about this? If any at all? Imani Brohmen, daughter of Red River's traitorous Beta. What could've possibly persuaded him to run away that way? His position was good and his daughter would've never wanted for anything. So why run and put her life in danger? What frightened them so much that they decided a life of uncertainty was better than the one laid out for her.

I stand and leave my office. I need to go for a run to clear my mind. I don't want to dwell on this for too long, it'll only mess with me. Why can't things ever get simpler? 

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