thirty | man on a misson

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Zach's P.O.V

The drive to the hospital is a blurry one. As I drove I didn't see the road, I saw that video playing on repeat. Haunting me already, causing my hands to clench painfully over the steering wheel as my heart clenched for my Leena, my love.

"You think people don't see you, Zach Dawson, but I do. I see you."

Her words play on a cycle as I speed through the streets in my haste to see her. I don't know what I'm going to say or do, all I know is that I need to see her, feel her.

". . .there's a whole world out there, and I'd love nothing more than to explore more of it with you."

". . .I'm trying babe, I promise I'm trying."

"I love you."

Her whispers, her declarations in that video are making me ache. Feelings of love and longing and threatening to burst out of my soul and latch onto her. Which is all I can focus on as I storm through the hospital in search for her room.

I'm a man on a mission and these depressing hospital halls are nothing but a daze. I'm seeing everything in tunnel vision and once my sight is finally set on Leena's door I can't help but walk even faster than I already was.

I burst into her room to frighten her mother whose currently sitting on one of the extra chairs in the room and Leena sleeping in her bed.

"Christ, Zach, you scared me." Mary says as she holds a hand over her heart and tries to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry, I had to see Leena." I say apologetically as I rub my hand on the back of my neck now feeling uncomfortable just showing up so late at night.

Mary, however, seems to understand and gives me a sympathetic nod and smile.

"I understand dear. Lord knows how many times I've almost broken these doors down myself. I'll give you two some time alone."

My relationship with Leena's parents is one I'm extremely grateful for. I had been nervous around them for quite some time after stealing their daughter for two weeks for a road trip, but thankfully they aren't the type of people to hold a grudge.

I give Mary an appreciative smile as she passes by me and towards the door. Leena now has my full attention and I take in the sight of her greedily. She looks completely exhausted as she sleeps, with dark circles under her eyes. Her skin has gotten paler, something I didn't think possible and her beanie has fallen almost completely off, showing her bald head.

I, however, have never seen a more amazing sight. My beautiful Leena is here and alive, causing the weight I've been feeling since that video to unload a little bit, helping me to breath easier.

I move slowly, cautiously, towards the side of her bed and gently take her dainty hand in mine as I sit in the seat her mother previously occupied.

I gently rub her hand with my thumb as I study her. I study her breathing, her movements, her appearance. Taking every single detail into memory. The only sound in this room is her heart monitor and instead of finding it annoying, I find it relieving. It's more proof that she's still here.

I couldn't say how long I sat there, rubbing soothing motions on her hand as I studied her before she started to slowly stir. I watched her like a hawk as she weakly opened her eyes and greeted me with a small smile.

"Hi, baby." I whisper with a smile as I gather both of her hands and mine and plant a kiss on them.

"Hi, yourself." She whispers back with a smile and I can see she's in a better mood now.

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