Part 6: Welcome a Broken Soul

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Thank you everyone who was accepting, I'm extremely thankful and happy to have such amazing people support me.

(Welcome a Broken Soul)

Avalon's P.O.V

I lift my head having been awoken from my peaceful slumber, and spot a familiar girl standing in front of me.

"Hey, I saw you fall asleep in class so I decided to wake you" The girl with the hijab smiles.

I nod and smile back "thanks."

"I'm Zahbia by the way" She introduces herself.

"I'm Avalon, thanks for helping me earlier" I nervously thank her, still tired.

"It's no problem, he shouldn't have cheated on you like he did, but I have to go to my next class. Bye! " She gives a small wave and leaves.

What period is this again?

I sigh, standing up and making my way out of the classroom.

I spot an upset looking Xavier and I walk over.

"What's up? " I question while fumbling with my notebooks.

He sighs"guess who got suspended " Dragging his hand down his face, he looks at me.

"W-what? Why! " I gasp in fear.

"Because I beat up Ryder" He grins and looks smug "don't worry Goldi, these walls can't keep me out. "

I laugh lightly "okay, how do you plan on getting in? "

"Meet José Jerad Ruff Teo De Caprice" He pulls out a wig and a fake moustache, sticking them on and wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh hysterically.

"Okay José....... What about the clothes? " I raise an amused brow.

"Goldi, you're lack of confidence in me really hurts" He feigns hurt them rips off his shirt, having a brightly colored one under it, with a Mexico flag.

I gape and shake my head.

"I believe we have class" He puts on a fake accent and follows me to my next class.

The teacher looks up and frowns.

"Who's this? " She questions, putting down her glasses.

"Iabyo lemmau ugera" He says random words, pretending to actually be saying things.


"He doesn't speak English. I'm... His translater... He'll only be here for a couple of days" I look at Xavier and pat his wig.

"And I haven't heard of this why? " She purse her lips into a thin line and stares at Xavier.

"Sayoie? " He acts as if he doesn't understand her.

She looks perplexed "what language is that? "

"SAYOIE??  ERI AU ONA QUI" He gasps dramatically

I hold back a giggle and frown at the teacher, shaking my head.

Xavier leans down to my way and whispers quietly "the things I do to protect you" Before looking at the teacher and frowning.

I blush slightly.

No one ever protects me.....

He starts coughing violently and signals me with his eyes "I uh... I'm going to bring him to the nurse... Plus I feel... Nauseous" I clutch my stomach and groan as the teacher scans our faces.

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