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Y/n had her eyes casted down at her plate, her fork pushing around food.

Everyone talked around her, yet she hadn't spoken much since her mother and sister arrived.

Maybe it was the fear of her mother's reaction or maybe it was that she was leaving so soon.

"Y/n you haven't talked much. Is everything okay?"

Her mother's voice filled her ears, and she froze. Her eyes met her mom's and she tried smiling.

Everyone else had also stopped talking and Y/n looked at her sister who nodded at her. The look that meant it was time to tell her.

Y/n laid her fork down, her heart beating harshly in her chest.

"Um actually I invited you here for a specific reason mom" Y/n spoke and her mom smiled at her.

"Hoping it's good" She joked to her daughter as she took a sip of her wine.

"I met my soulmate" She blurted out and watched as her mother froze. It was quiet and Y/n could feel the bad feeling intensify.

She looked at her mother and watched as a smile reached her face.

"Really!? I'm so happy for you honey! What's his name? What's his job? Is he good looking. I need details darling!" Her mother spoke, and Y/n felt some relief at her mother's happiness over her finding her soulmate.

"But before that; did you already know!?" She asked Jenny who nodded lightly.

"I found out but not through Y/n" Jenny replied and her mother tisked.

"Internet users these days" Her mother mumbled.

"His names Taehyung" She continued warily and watched as her mother cheered suddenly which shocked everyone.

"Yes! I was really hoping it would be an Asian man!'  She spoke while smiling, and Y/n heard Kenzie choke on her drink at her words.

"Mother!" Jenny said.

"What? I would have liked him no matter what I was just really hoping," She replied.

"But I'm sorry y/n please continue!"

Y/n looked around the Table. Jenny waited along with her mother for her to continue. Shea smiled at her encouragingly, nodding, and Kenzie. Well Kenzie was eating still but gave her a reassuring wink.

"Well..um... he's a famous singer and actor. He's in a group called Bts" Y/n said.

"You're kidding! The one you love?" Her mother asked to which y/n nodded.

The shock was written on her face. Y/n didn't say anything back because she couldn't tell if her mother was happy about it or not.

"That's something extraordinary y/n. I'm really happy for you." Her mother spoke and Y/n let out a sigh as she smiled while putting her face in her hands.

"So does he travel alot?" Her mother asked.

Y/n groaned internally as she thought about having to still explain that part.

"That's another big thing we need to talk about" She told her mother, who hummed in response.

"I was offered a job if we travel together. It pays really well and would help me get to know Taehyung alot better. They also said they would help with school" Y/n said and waited for a response.

"Hey stop being so nervous. You are a big girl. You'll always be my baby but you're grown. If that's what you want to do I think that's great. Just promise me that you'll still call me and that I'll meet him soon" Her mother replied and Y/n smiled brightly at her mom.

"Thank you mom. That means alot that you support this" Y/n replied as her friends and sister cheered.

"I'll always support you and I'm happy you want to get to know him! I want you to be happy and knowing this will make you happy is great!" Her mother said.

"Now show me a picture of this guy! By the way how old is he?" She asked.

"He's 23 as well and here-" Y/n rambled on about him as she pulled a picture up of him.

"Oh he's cute!" Her mother said and everyone laughed as they continued to talk about everything that was going to be happening.

Y/n sent a quick text to Taehyung.

Y/n: mom approved. I'll see you soon :)

T: That's great! You are also mommy approved :) she thinks you're really pretty. I can agree with her on that. I can't wait to see you ❤

Y/n: That's so nice of her 😊 my mother said you were cute but I already knew that :,)

T: :,) thank you. I'll have to screenshot that just in case you forget

Y/n: oh I don't think I will 😂

T: That's good because you're stuck with me 😘


HI! Update for pt.2

I hope you like it!

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Much love - Rhi ❤

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