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to elena, the girl made of stars.

in the beginning of time, there was nothing. vast, open space and dark nothingness. emptiness, vancuity, and loneliness.

and then, there was you.

i watched the universe create galaxies, stars and constellations. i looked into the minds of the people around me, the dullness and bore and uselessness in their hearts. i pitied them, because i used to be them.

i wanted to ask everyone - did it hurt when the stars created you? when you became a beautiful anthology of cosmic wreckage, composed of a million little suns? i saw no light in other people's eyes, but i saw everything in yours.

it took me awhile to figure out why i loved you. it was your laugh. the way your lip perked up at the right corner when you talked. how you held people like they were lifelines, and you'd never let them go. how you scanned a room whenever you entered it. how your pupils dilated slightly when you were nervous.

i remember feeling dull. numb, incapable and unprioritized. then, i bumped into you. literally. it must have been my atoms, clinging to the one thing they had been looking for, finding the singular being they were meant to collect. it must have been true.

after finding you, i was whole again.

it was like the world took me and formed me again, placing me on the planet as a new person. i had purpose, a meaning. my existence was completed, and my body could rest. universal euphoria controlled my being. you took me on adventures, filling my heart with the one thing my every human being craved in their innate, inborn human nature - life.

i fell in love. i plummeted, tripped, stumbled again and again, over and over. and every time, for at least a second, i was airborne, and i was alive.

i fell in love with you while the stars in your eyes were still forming, the galaxies behind your eyelids growing, creating color, and giving life. i layed under the stars in your irises and counted. you were every constellation in the sky.

and then you erupted, and became my universe.

i remember cold nights alone, rain dripping down windowsills and everyone i'd ever fallen in love with made me think of elena, the girl made of stars, and the girl who lit up the world.

i remember loving you.

and elena, i never stopped.

- samie thompson

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