Chapter 5

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Sunday morning rolled around and I prepared myself for a full workday. I mused in bed for a few minutes if I should call in sick, Adrien wouldn't care, but I decided against it, I could use the money for more dates with Kiara. We had texted most of the afternoon and into the night, minus when she was at an audition. I saw her fitting into my life easily and realized it had been awhile since I'd seen a real future with someone else.

My text messages with the unknown number had grew since yesterday also. I didn't want to keep messaging, but it seemed when I didn't answer, they got offended. I opened the messages again and reread them, wondering if I should ask again who it was. The first message was sent during my date with Kiara, but I wasn't about to answer. Then it got weirder as the day progressed.

Unknown Number: I didn't sleep much.

After I didn't respond during the date they said, Leilani, are you there?

Leilani: Yes, who is this?

Unknown Number: We've met before.

Leilani: When?

Unknown Number: I can't reveal all my secrets, where's the mystery in that?

Leilani: How did you get my number?

Unknown Number: You gave it to me.

Leilani: When?

Unknown Number: I'm offended that you don't remember.

Leilani: Just tell me, you're freaking me out.

Unknown Number: Good.

I didn't respond to that last message, I was too freaked out to know what to say. It definitely wasn't a wrong number since they knew my name. I hadn't heard from them since last night, so I chose to put it behind me and get ready for work.

When I arrived, I put my things away and headed to the back room to start sorting some new product we had just gotten in. Adrien came in after a bit and started some casual conversation. He was a very good friend of mine and had been since I started working there. He had deep brown eyes, dark skin, and his hair was always styled perfectly. About six months ago we started to hang out one on one outside of work and realized how much we got on. We'd only had casual sex a few times since, but it was always refreshing and a great rebound.

"So, I just wanted you to know I've gotten serious with someone." He said, looking at his sneakers.

"That's amazing, great for you. I think I might be getting there with someone too." I replied, knowing full what he was really telling me.

"That's good, well anyways, I think I'll head back out to man the store." He said, turning and leaving an awkward air in the room.

I leaned against a box after he left, it tilted and spilled it's contents everywhere with a large bang. I jumped, startled, and Bridget came running in a few moments later.

"What happened?" She asked out of breath.

"I bumped a box and it fell, no big deal." I said, coughing a bit. The room was filled to the brim with powder that had a strong flowery scent.

"Thank goodness, I was really worried for a moment there. I knew Adrien had been in here with you, so..." She let her sentence fall off awkwardly.

"Yeah, but it's fine, he and I are done and have been done for a long time." I said and began to clean up the mess.

"I see." She said as she started to help me clean things up, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure." I replied. Bridget hesitated before answering, and I had a feeling she changed her question last minute.

"Can I help you film your next video again?" She asked.

"Yeah of course, I'd love that." I replied happily. Bridget was so sweet.

Unknown Number: How was work babe?

Leilani: I'm not your babe, and it was fine.

Unknown Number: What are you doing tonight?

I looked at the latest text, sitting in my pajamas, tired from a full day at work, and not sure how to answer. I got home around 6:30pm after picking up some dinner and I didn't want to tell this random creeper that I was home alone.

Leilani: I have a friend over, we are hanging out.

Unknown Number: Sounds fun. I wish I could make your night fun.

Leilani: What's your name?

Unknown Number: You can call me your soulmate.

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