Chapter 29

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Spending time with Bella was amazing. She's amazing. Sebastian was also with us. I don't know why, but it seems like Bella was avoiding Sebastian. Every time Sebastian starts a conversation, Bella would cut him off or just simply avoid and ignore him.

After spending the whole day with Bella, we decided to return back. It was nearly dinner time when we got out. Bella locked the shop and went home after saying goodbyes. We were going towards Sebastian's car, when suddenly another car came in front of us.

I looked up at Sebastian in confusion but he was smirking at the car. When I return my gaze to the car, I froze.
Lucifer got out from the car, looking as hot as hell. He was fully dressed in black, with no suit jacket. His black button up shirt was folded till elbows and first three buttons were undone.

I was pinned in my place, when I met his gaze. He marched towards my direction.

"Here. Your queen is perfectly well. You can take her" Sebastian said while dramatically gesturing towards me. When Lucifer stopped in right front of me, I felt my heartbeat stop too. I lowered my eyes in fear and took few steps back.

"You can go Sebastian" Lucifer ordered. Sebastian went immediately and drive away. Now it was only me and my husband. My breathing was heavy as I was unable to meet his gaze. When he didn't say anything for a moment, I bite my lips in anxiety.

'Is he still angry? Will he repeat everything from yesterday night? Should I run? God. Please don't make angry. Please. I don't like angry Lucifer'

Suddenly, he grabbed my right hand and gently tugged me towards his car. He opened the passenger door for me. I thanked him timidly before getting inside. Soon he started driving. I was focusing outside the window trying to avoid him. Then I realized we were not going towards our house.

After collecting all my guts, I asked him, "Whe- where are we goi- going?". My voice was like a whisper and I was scared that he might not have heard me. But thankfully he did heard.

"Salvatore's. For dinner". His answer was short. Rude. I lowered my gaze again, trying to stop tears, mostly hurt from his behavior, but also because I was not ready to meet the Salvatore's. Again my anxiety level was getting high.

Soon we reached his parents house. It was not decorated like last time but still it was beautiful. It screamed wealth and I felt myself underdressed. Everything was perfect, except me. I squirmed feeling uncomfortable. Thinking about his parents make me sick.

Suddenly, Lucifer wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"I'm here" he whispered near my ear. I relaxed immediately. I sighed and we went inside.

The Butler welcomed us warmly. He was old but cheery. "Welcome, Mr and Mrs Knight. How was your ride?" He asked.

I smiled at him and answered "It was fine. Thank you". He guided us towards the living room, where Mrs Salvatore was seating with another girl. She was beautiful. She was dressed in a blue short dress, perfectly.

Mrs Salvatore was talking with her very fondly. It seems like she liked her. When Mrs Salvatore noticed us, she faked smiled widely and welcomed us. "Oh. My dears are here. Come darling. Seat".
She tried to pull me away from Lucifer but he didn't loosen up his grip on me. Mrs Salvatore gave him a tight smile and returned to her seat.
We went and took our seats in the sofa.
"So rude of me. I didn't introduce my other guest. Maisie meet Claire. My best friend's daughter. And Claire, this is Maisie" Mrs Salvatore introduced me to her. I smiled at her and said "Nice to meet you Claire".
But she only glared at me and didn't say anything.

One maid came and told us that dinner was ready. We went to the dining hall and our dinner was served. Mr Salvatore entered few minutes late but didn't said anything. Neither he greeted us, nor smiled. We began to eat our dinner, with both Claire and Mrs Salvatore occasionally glaring at me.

I was about to put a bite on my mouth, when Claire said,
"I never thought Lucifer would choose a orphan and low class girl". Mrs Salvatore smirked at her. I dropped the fork, feeling extremely uncomfortable and hurt.

Lucifer was awfully silent this whole time. But I knew, he was trying hard to control his anger because his fists were clenched in anger. I recollected my guts and placed my hand over his fist. He immediately reacted by holding my hand tightly. He visibly relaxed and began to eat his dinner.

"I'm so sorry for that day Maisie. I shouldn't have accused you like that. But the situation was very critic-" Mrs Salvatore's extra sweet tone was cut off by a loud bang on table. Lucifer stands up, still holding my hand and gently pulled me up too.
"Our Dinner is done. We're leaving" he angrily said.
"But son, you didn't even started yet"
"We are done". Saying this, Lucifer made his way towards the door, still pulling me with him. Mr Salvatore hardly glanced at us. Whereas Claire was shocked.

As we entered the car, he immediately drive off. When we  were out of his parents place, he parked the car on the side of the road. He banged the steering wheel and exits the car. He paced and ran his hand through his hairs, messing it up.
"I knew it was a fucking wrong idea" he exhaled angrily. I too got out of the car but didn't say anything for a few minutes. Very slowly I reached him and only placed my hand over his, again. He suddenly pulled me into a hug and took deep breaths, inhaling my scent. He nuzzles my side neck, slightly tickling me. As a result, I giggled lightly and tried to move away from him. But he only tighten his grip and chuckled huskily.
"You are the only thing keeping me sane, in this insane world".
I blushed hard. We stayed like that for some time. Then we get back on the car.

As we didn't had have dinner, he stopped in front of a Italian restaurant. It was classy and elegant. And the food was yummy.

Lucifer asked me about Bella. I told him about her new business and how happy was I to meet her. He only smiled warmly and listen to my every single word.

We reached home late at night and I was pretty tired. I went to the washroom for a shower and changed into my PJ. I yawned while exiting the washroom and went straight to the bed.

After few minutes, Lucifer came from behind and hold me close.
"Thank you to let me meet Bella" I said in a sleepy tone.
He kissed my side head and whispered "You're welcome, love. And I'm sorry for yesterday. I will try to not repear it ever again".
"Promise?" I tried hard to fight my sleep. He smiled and kissed me again.
"Sleep wife. You need it".
And those were the last words I heard before drifting off to sleep.

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