Chapter Forty-Two

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"I really like how you smell," I murmured into Jonah's chest while he still stood rather stiffly, surprised by my sudden hug.

Slowly, I felt his arms wrap around me, followed by the vibration of his chuckle. "And what do I smell like?"

I shrugged, still unwilling to pull away. "I don't know, there's not really a way to put it. You just smell nice."

"Maybe it's just the detergent."

"No! It's not that. You don't smell like detergent," I said, pulling my head away a little, before burying my face into him once again to take a sniff. "Hm. You smell like wood and a strong mint-like scent and just a little touch of coffee. What kind of fancy perfume do you use?"

"I don't wear fancy perfume," he told me. "I don't wear perfume at all."

"How come you smell so good?"

He shrugged. "Maybe it's just my natural scent? I probably also spend too much time brewing coffee."

"Then it's a damn good natural scent," I said, finally letting go of the hug. "Do you ever smell like sweaty armpit at all?"

He gave me a weird stare. "How do I know? I never sniff my armpits."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Do your socks smell?"

"Hannah, I don't sniff my socks either."

"Well I don't have to voluntarily sniff Cole's feet to know that they stink! I just can smell it a hundred miles away."

"You're such a weirdo," he said with a light laugh.

"Weird enough to make you leave me?" I teased.

"Nope. Gotta try harder to make it happen."

"Aw, buddy." I reached out to pinch his cheeks. "Don't say that. You haven't heard me snore—it could be the last straw for you."

"Well, you've fallen asleep on me during phone calls before and I didn't hear any snoring, you sleeping beauty." He rested his palm at the top of my head and lightly pulled my head closer to his shoulder, ruffling my hair as he did so. "Mmm. And you smell nice. Is it strawberries?"

I blushed. "First you call me beautiful, and then you say I smell nice. You keep this up and people might think you're into me or something."

"Or something." He let me go with a smile. "One compliment a day, how's that sound?" he offered.

I shrugged. "Might be good for my self-esteem. I'll give you one in return, just to keep us even."

"Alright. Day one, you smell like strawberries."

I nodded. "And you smell like something hot and sexy," I said with a wink.

Though, the last thing I expected from him was a snort and a cocky reply of, "I am hot and sexy."

I tsked at him, "Honey, vanity doesn't look good on you."

"I'm not being vain. It's just a fact," he attempted to say with a straight face, before breaking into a quick grin as we stopped in front my locker. "Don't go anywhere."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I replied as I opened my locker door while he went to get Daisy, who was stuffed inside his own locker.

It wasn't even one minute after he was gone when an insufferable presence, one I hadn't had the misfortune to encounter in so long, suddenly appeared next to me like a fly on the wall you just want to slap with a swatter.

"It's been too long since the last time we talked, Taylors."

His voice, taunting and mocking as usual, only made me roll my eyes. I kept my eyes focused on the books I was putting in order, my voice light as I replied, "Yup. Good for me." When I finally turned to look at him, I spotted an all-familiar smirk on his face. "So. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

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