Chapter 10/Those dang Witches

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I look at the snowflake while Mrs.Ladova hauls the body, I killed, into the cave for now. The snowflake I thought was just going to be lines connecting each other like we draw them. But this snowflake is like the real ones. It's so intricate. Detailed. And I'm guessing none are the same.

"I got my first one when I was your age." I look up at Mrs.Ladova.

"How did you get yours?" I ask while sniffling.

"By killing a hunter of course." She takes my arm and pulls me off the cold pebbled ground. I wipe the dirt off my pants with my shaking hands.

For a moment, just a moment, I feel fine. Like none of this happened. Like I didn't just kill that man. Like I didn't just get this snowflake that resembles that I killed a hunter. I feel like I'm not a monster. But then that brief moment goes away and I'm back to shivering and shaking.

"Has Derek told everybody yet?" I ask her.

"Knowing him when he sets off to do something, he finishes. So he's most definitely finished." She smiles at me while we walk back to the castle.

"How did you two meet?" I ask.

"Oh that's a story not ready to tell. Don't worry the time will come." I pout.


After a little while we get to the castle. I haven't seen it in the dark. All the light by the pond are on making it glimmer. The four points of the castle have these lights that trickle down in the most beautiful way. But that all stops and I fall to the ground in agonizing pain.

"What's happening?" Mrs.Ladova asks. I can't respond because I start screaming. "I will be back very quickly! Try to stop what's happening. Stay strong." What is she talking about? How can I stop this? I have no clue what's going on.

The next second I feel the pain stop but I am in a different location I do not recognize. "Where am I?" I ask the darkness that is around me waiting for an answer.

I can help you know. I can help you be what you want. Normal.

"Who said that?" The voice sounds familiar.

You want to be normal. Is that so?

I sigh. "Yes."

There is one way and one way only for you to be normal.

"What is it?! I will do anything!" I say to the mysterious woman's voice.

You have to kill yourself.

"You want me to kill myself?" I say to the voice.

Yes. Everything will go back to normal. For everyone.

The voice starts to fade. "Wait no! I mean I want to be normal! I don't mean if I kill myself everything will go back to normal!" Then the pain starts again.

I curl up in a ball on the stone road. I try to keep the cream muffled by biting my tongue. It only makes my tongue bleed though.

I hear a swish sound and then out in the corner of my eye I see Mrs.Ladova and the witch that was skeptical of what I was come to me.

"She just started screaming and fell down to the ground. Not in that order though." The pain continues. "I think Crystal is doing something to her."

It seems that they don't need to argue about that. "I can do a spell that makes me unnoticeable so I can see if it's really her that's doing the spell." They both nod and drag me onto the grass.

"Elizabeth? What are you holding?" Mrs.Ladova asks. I look down the slightest and see what she is talking about. I drop the bloody rock that I was pressing into my skin for no apparent reason except for the woman in my voice telling me to kill myself.

The witches hands hover over my body. "Da mihi potestatem spirituum, sine tali persona qui sciunt petere." Then I see who was bringing this pain to me. The person who told me to kill myself. Crystal. "Who was it? Who did you see?" The witch says hastily.

"Crystal. The one you suspected. She wants to kill me. She want me to kill myself. She got into my head and made me try to kill myself." I get up from the grass. "Can I got to sleep now?"

"Wait one second." The witch says and closer her eyes. "Spiritus malus, ut, si quid puellae turpis bonum."

"What was that?" I ask looking around to see if she altered anything.

"You're protected from Crystal."

"That's good. Now can I go to sleep? I have classes tomorrow."

"Yes go get some sleep for tomorrow."


Again, like always, the halls are filled with Vampire Students. I don't know why they aren't on there floor. They are always on the first floor when they should be on the others according to what year they are.

Last time I came back to my dorm everybody thought I was kidnapped or I escaped and did whatever. Now when they look and stare at me the only thing that comes out of their mouths is, 'Hybrid,' over and over again.

I get to my dorm quickly. I see the names on the door. Maggie, Rachel and me. I take in a deep breath. While that happens the door opens and someone grabs me. Maggie, of course. She pulls me in for a big hug. Surprisingly Rachel is right there hugging us together.

"What happens to you?" Rachel says in her softest voice I have heard from her.

"I just went for a walk. Then I saw two people. They asked f-for my name. When I told it they attacked. I had no ch-choice. I had no choice." I say weakly.

"What did you have no choice to do-" Maggie stops and holds out my hand. "You killed someone?"

I nod. "He called me a monster. I believe him after what I did to him."

"You had to kill him. It was out of self defense don't think anything else."

"But I'm a monster! No normal person would do that!" I start to sob.

"Now, in normal standards a human would be normal. So technically we, as Vampires, are all monsters. And out of all of us you are the least monstrous."

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah. Because you know killing someone is bad. No real monster would hate killing." I don't tell her the crucial fact that when I was killing him I liked it. It felt good. I felt like I had power.

I just keep sobbing into their arms. "It will be okay Beth. Things will go back to normal. It will take time but they will." Rachel says patting my back.

"Now come on you guys. We need to go to sleep. Schools tomorrow!" The excitement is inside me but at the same time the nervousness is consuming it. What will people think of me?

We all get into our beds.

"Let's all have sweet dreams of what school will be like!" Maggie says with a yawn at the end(*lol I yawned while writing 'yawn'!*).

I think that I will get that bad dreams of me needing to kill myself or something but I don't. For once I have the dreams I wanted. Peaceful dreams.

And I fall asleep for once not thinking about death or killing or monsters or hybrids or anything. I just have a nice cheesy dream.

*Stupid ending sorry.*

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