Chapter 30

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"Alright," I started, looking at the two mates in front of me. "You have your mate back. Will you answer us now?"

Tobias looked up at me, growling a little. Paige leaned into him a little, his growling being replaced by a soft purring sound. It was a tad weird seeing them preening each other like a couple of birds while they sat on the bench that was in the cell. The dull bulb flickered every once in a while making it feel like a B-grade horror movie.

Paige sat up a little straighter, still keeping close to her mate. "Okay. Shoot."

"Why are you just now coming back?" I asked bluntly.

She shrugged. "I was looking for Tobias."

"And when did you two become separated?" Adam asked.

"Two weeks ago. After our group was taken out by rogues, I was stuck in a hospital for a few days. It took a while for me to pick up his trail again."

That's when Tobias spoke up. "We were a pack if you would call it that. A group of wolves that simply traveled because we wanted to see the world. No, we are not rogues, for most even called us gypsy wolves."

I looked at Adam. "Gypsy wolves?"

He nodded. "Not very common, but they do exist. They're a pack that follows normal standards but don't have any ranks such as Alpha, Beta, Omega, etc. Instead, they act like normal humans that simply travel the world."

Tobias looked back at me when Adam was finished. "We always ask permission before entering a territory, or before we stay in it. Most are fine with it as long as we keep to ourselves, but some...."

"Some aren't so considerate." I guessed. He nodded.

"Sad, but true. Some will even think that we are an insult to Werewolves everywhere. Before I met your sister, we had met a pack that had teamed up with a few in the area, and they tried to stop us all together by not letting us pass. In the end, it went to an extreme and we had to flee before we were wiped out altogether."

"So why were you here now?" Adam asked again. "You're lucky to be alive now, and you should be thanking your brother-in-law. If not for him, you'd be dead for harming my daughter."

I rolled my eyes as a set of growls started. Paige at Adam for threatening her mate, Jack at Paige for growling at his alpha, and back to Tobias for growling- oh, nevermind. The cycle was a long one. I swear, ties like these will either save you or kill you.

"Tobias," I snapped, growing a little irritated, "Why are you here and why did you attack us?"

At this, he hung his head. For the first time since he got here, I saw regret and sorrow in his eyes. Something told me he wasn't faking it, but I needed to keep my guard up. Brother-in-law or not, he had harmed my mate.

'He harmed what is ours!' Xavier growled loudly in my head.

"When I was separated from our group, I found myself badly injured and almost dead. A pack had found me and helped me heal up in just a few short days. The alpha had found out that I was a gypsy wolf, but didn't hold me against it. I was a little shocked at first but grateful all the same. However, I kept having some nagging doubt in my mind saying that this guy was a little off. It was too late before I realized that he was using me. He had me and many more like me attacking pack-lands. He would drug us through our food, causing us to not smell, think, or even hear strait. Then, when we were drugged, he ordered us to attack. All we had was our instinct to obey our Alpha." He turned to me. "When I shot your mate, I didn't know what I was doing. I was simply shooting. Hell, the way I was, I was surprised I hit Anything."

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