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⚠️warning!⚠️ This chapter can be a triggering. So beware. And be safe.

I muffle a sob with the back of my hand as I push the school gate open and begin my long journey home.
A honk echo and I halt and turn around, wondering if the person honked at me. I turn around and almost faint when I see Theodore coming out from the black Range Rover and walking speedily toward me.

He stops in front of me, probably analyzing me behind his ray bans that hid his eyes from the world.

"What're you doing here?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I wanted to pick you up from school," he smiles sheepishly at me and I smile back a little.

His smile fades when he probably notices the bruise on my lip and he takes my hand and leads me to his car, opening the door for me and shutting it after I put my seat-belt on.
When he gets in from the driver's side, he smirks at me, "Cool car huh?"

"Nah, I prefer Tesla."

His smirks falls faster than you can say clumsy and he grumbles to himself as he starts the car.
The drive is silent except for the radio humming a song by The Chainsmokers.

I love The Chainsmokers.

We drive past the house and I frown in confusion and look at Theodore for an explanation. He smiles smugly when he notices my expression from the corner of his eyes but doesn't explain any further.
I huff and lean back in my seat, deciding to just go with it.
After the surprise dinner last week and the spontaneous picnic, I can expect anything from this guy.

I swear if I flunk Chemistry, he's paying for my college bills.

We drive for a few minutes more and then he stops. In front of a restaurant?
I don't know what it is.

But the sign reads Nando's.

When I look back at Theodore he's smiling at me and looking at me expectantly.
"What?" I ask.

His eyes widen -I kid you not- to the size of golf balls.
"YOU HAVEN'T TRIED NANDO'S!!??" He screams out loud and I cover my ears.

I rub my ears and glare at him, "yeesh, I'm not deaf. Although with the volume you used, I'm not so sure anymore."

He ignores me and continues to fuss over how I'm "even alive without trying peri peri chicken." Whatever that is.

"OKAY!" I yell loudly over his irritated mumbles and he stops to look- more like glare at me.

"What?" He snaps back.

"I'll try your dumb peri peri chicken," I say and imitate his British accent when I say peri peri.

All the anger vanishes from his face and in its place shows the happiness of a toddler who has just been given his favorite toy to play with.
He nods his head and quickly gets out of the car, almost running to the restaurant and then after realizing I'm not with him, he turns around and does the walk of shame to the car, with his head hanging low and his cheeks flushed a bright pink.

I raise my brows at him when he tugs on the door handle and opens the door, scratching his neck and smiling shyly, "I guess I got a bit too hyper."

"You think?? I tease him and he rolls his eyes as he beckons his hand for me to get out.


Oh my god.

"Well?" Theodore asks me as I take my first bite of the chicken.

It's blowing my mind at how amazing it tastes but just to rile him up I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and go, "Eh. I've tasted better chicken than this."

His face falls and a bemused look covers his face as he stares at me, pressing his tongue into his cheek and shaking his head as he goes back to eating, trying to hide his smile as he chews.

After we're finished with our food, we drive back home and I walk up to my room after I greet Natalie and tickle Casper.

As I lie on my bed, I think about the events of today. Blondie, who's name I now know is Mackenzie. Everyone calls her Kenz.
I heard it today when she had swung her glamorous purse in my face, one of the stuck out jewels cutting and bruising my lip.

Her red-headed friend warned her when she noticed a teacher making her way round the corner, "Kenz, hurry. We have to go."
So 'Kenz' threw me a nasty look and cat-walked away in her high heel boots while I put a hand to my aching lip, trying not to let the blood spill or have any attention drawn to myself...more so than usual.

While I was reminiscing about my wonderful day, my bedroom door eased open and in came Theodore, who was holding a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies in his hand.
I don't turn my face to acknowledge his presence and keep staring at the ceiling while he looks at me anxiously waiting.

"Dessert?" He slightly wiggles the plate in his hand and I hear cookies slide against the ceramic material.
I shake my head at him, not having the heart to eat anything.

And besides, I've already consumed my one meal of the day.

When he notices me shake my head in response to his question he sighs deeply and sits down next to me on the bed, still holding the plate.
"Why not?" He asks me very quietly as if afraid of the answer; looking like he knew what I was about to say.

"I don't like chocolate chip cookies." I say with finality even though I'm itching to reach out and take one.

"Please?" He says after a moment's silence. "For me?" When I don't respond he tries again, "Half?"

I slowly sit up next to him and notices his entire posture perk up a little. He breaks one cookie in a neat half and hands one to me as he takes a bite of his half.
I look at the cookie on my palm and then glance back at him.
I think he notices the silent turmoil I'm having with myself because he nods his head slightly and whispers, "you can do it."

I decide to stop being such a baby and bring the cookie closer to my mouth, the scent of chocolate wafting up my nose as I take a small nibble.
My taste buds erupt with my most-loved flavor and I close my eyes as I swallow.

When I open my eyes I see Theodore looking at me proudly. When he notices me looking at him, as if breaking out of a trance; he looks away and I notice he's ears turn pink.

I love chocolate chip cookies...

So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you're enjoying the book.

As always:

Thanks for reading,

Chubby ✔️Where stories live. Discover now