Part 4

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I woke up and I felt someone shifting in my arms, I shot up quickly once I felt something or rather someone moving around a little too much

when I remembered what happened last night I tried to roll over to get up



Of course because how loud I was Lauren woke up

"Um camila...what's wrong with you" she said as she tried to hold back a laugh

I  shot up once I heard her voice 

" was um getting shower...I mean taking a breakfast...uh" I just ran out of the room because of how embarrassed I was I can't believe that just happened but it wasn't completely my fault she was literally grinding against me but that wasn't the point and not important because now she probably thinks I'm crazy.

I decided to walk back to my room and when I walked she looked at me and immediately started laughing and my face started getting as red as a tomato. 

"Ok so do you wanna explain why you ran out of here like a mad man" she asked

how tf am I suppose that question? oh god this is absolutely the worst

Oh yeah I kinda have a huge crush on you and I freaked because we were cuddling and I got turned on

"Oh um I was just super hungry and I was having a crazy dream, sorry for waking you" I said

"Well I need to take a shower" I said 

A very cold shower

"Ok yeah you do that but um don't take too long, I'm making breakfast" she said

"Ok yeah I"ll be quick" I said

30 minutes later I managed to deescalate my problem 

I walked downstairs and it smelt amazing. From what I could see there was pancakes, bacon, eggs, french toast sticks, and so much more

"Gosh are you feeding an army" I said jokingly 

"Don't even looked so surprised, you know you could eat all of this by yourself" she said while pointing to food but of course my mind automatically took the dirty route but I quickly shook my head and scolded myself for thinking like that....again

"ok ok maybe you're right, hey um wheres mom and dad?" I asked realizing they had not came down stairs yet

"Did you forget...."it's summer." she said 

"oh yeah I completely forgot. well I literally have nothing to do today, so you wanna hang out" I asked 

I don't know if this was a good idea but after recent events  it was time to get along again 

"Yeah sure why not, you wanna go to my room and watch a movie" she asked and my pulse was definitely through the roof 

"Um yeah sure why not" I tried to act as calm as possible but it was extremely difficult 


A few movies later and I was in the same situation I was in before. Lauren was snuggled up really close but before I could react she beat me to it 

"Um Camz" My heart fluttered at the nickname 

"yeah Lo whats up" I asked still not aware of the problem 

"Can you move your phone it's kinda on my butt" she asked quietly 

"yeah sorry I'll uh move it" but of course because of my impeccable timing and luck my phone started buzzing but surprise my phone was on her night stand. she quickly turned around a look at me expecting some sort of explanation

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