Chapter 6

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👆🏻 Kendall Jenner as Meghan Spencer


"What the hell is this?" Shouted Max to Clyde on the next morning in his working room.

Clyde saw the photo of him making out with Meghan on the toilet last night, as a huge headline on the news paper. Shit, everything turned into a really messed up situation.

"It's not what it seems look like."

Well could you say other thing better than that?

"You just make a solid prove that you are an A class asshole, who don't deserve any of this that I and your grandpa will give you! You just making out and sleeping with this woman on the night you said that you are lucky to have Willow as yours soon to be wife!"

Clyde only closes his eyes, "I never want this wedding from the start." He said to his father.

"And this is why we want this wedding for you! You must taking care this mess now and please pulled out your head from your ass this time, for god sake! Meet Sebastian now and apologize to him and his family or I won't let you get what me and your grandpa prepare for you. I won't hesitate to change the will. Now out." Said Max and Clyde going out from his father working room...


"Not now mom." He said when he looks at his mother already waiting outside his father working room.

"Let's talk with me, come here." Said her mother again and Clyde exhale his breath before following his mother to family room.

"Now, I know you are not agreed on this wedding from the very start. But did we raise you that way? Sleeping with other woman on the same night you getting engage?"Ask his mother calmly.

Clyde now looking at her mother, "I've never gonna be ready for settle down and you know that. This is my life now."

"But I know you better than that. Now, answer me....Did Willow know about this?" ask my mother again and I look at her for a minute and nod my head.

My mom now exhales her breath deeply, "And what she said?"

"She let me go to Meghan and sleep with her. It's not like my fault at all. She let me do it."

"Did you ever think what she's feeling for letting you go to sleep with other woman? Did you consider what she might say or feeling when we found out this and how about with the fact all the guests saw her mingling at the party alone ?" my mom ask me again and I shook my head.

"She is fine with it, Mom. She said that she is okay. She is also against this arrangement."

"Woman like Willow never let a man saw her on her vulnerable moment. She is tough outside but inside she will feel like getting betrayed by you who supposed to be someone that she could hang on with."

I was silent now. Is that possible that she get jealous? Willow, jealous?

I shook my head once agian,"She is not. She is stubborn. She is okay with it." I answer her again.

"You never know her that deep. So you don't have any rights to make some conclusion that she is fine. Now, if your sister gets treated like that by a man, what will you do?" she asked me.

"Don't bring her up now, Mom."I told my mother and looking into her eyes.

"Just answer me then, Clyde. I need you to understand the situation, Willow's position."

"I'm gonna kill that man."I answer it straightly.

"That's probably what Sebastian, Ian, and Sky will do to you. You better go to their house and apologize." Said my mom calmly.

"Listen, I never raised you to turn into like a monster and not having a respect towards woman like this. I know you hook ups with this Meghan girl. It's normal for a guy around your ages to sleep around with an attractive girl but a guy can be call as a good man when he knows when to stop his irresponsible action when there is a woman beside him." Said my mom and she pat my shoulder.

"I believe my son won't disappoint me. I know you are a good man inside. It's just your camouflages." She tells me and leaves me alone on our family room.


Chapter 6 !!!!
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Until then, Bubbye 👋👋👋👋

Maria Felicity 😘😘😘

Love Me, Hate MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora