Chapter one-

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Walking down the school hallway I was on my way to Mr. Marvin's room to ask him what a question met for Biology. This was basically the prep for the test and I really wanted to get a good grade on this test. I know, I know, Biology is so my fav subject. I think it't just so interesting!

Walking into his classroom he is looking at some paper and seemed to not notice I walked in. "Heeey, I have a question," I say. At the sound of my voice he jumps and I try to hold back a laugh but it didn't work. "Sorry," I say.

Laughing himself he says, "Na, it's fine. So what's up?"

Laying my paper on the desk I go to look at him to ask my question but I see this look of shock on his face and he's staring my wrist. Oh no! Quickly covering my wrist, I look away.

Jumping a little when I feel his hand on my arm he moves my hand out of the way and brings the my wrist closer to him. Frick! "Night, are you hurting yourself?"

Hurting myself!? NO! "Of course not!" I say frazzled. How could he possibly think I was hurting myself! My dad did that to me. No! Not thinking about that. It was in the past.

Sighing he says, "Night. Hurting yourself is not good. What caused you to do so?" Sounding concerned.

"I'm not hurting myself," I state again. I DIDN'T HURT MYSELF! For Lord sake!

"You know you can talk to me night. I'm here for you." He tells me softly. Him and I have been friends ever sense I started high school. We were like family.

"I didn't hurt myself!" I exclaim. "I'm not like that," I mumble.

"Night, please tell me. You know I won't tell anyone. I just want to help you." He says sounding a little desperate.

"There's nothing to say cuz I didn't hurt myself!" I was now getting frustrated.

"Night, please..." I cut him off.

"I didn't hurt myself! My father hurt me! Is that what you wanted?!" I yell starting to cry because memories were coming back.

Covering my face with my hand I jump and squeak startled when I feel arms around me. Looking up at Marvin a memory of something from the fast flashes through my mind. Burying my face in his chest I wrap my arms around him desperate for some sense of safety and confront. After a few minutes I've calmed down to the point where I wasn't crying anymore and was surprised by how safe I felt in his arms.

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter. "I don't know what came over me." I felt so ashamed of myself because I cried in front of someone. "You disappointment! You are weak!" I hear my fathers voice in my head. Sighing I put my head down.

"Tell me," is all he said.

Sighing I knew I could tell him anything, but this was a topic that made me unstable even just to think about. "When I was younger my Father would abuse me and my Mother. At age twelve I told someone and they got us help. Now my father is in jail." I say emotionlessly.

"How did you get the scar?" He says sounding curious and angry. But why angry?

"He was yelling at me cuz I accidentally spilled Kool aid on the white carpet. He got the knife out and was threatening me with it. Me being stupid said the first thing that came to my head and he got really mad. He grabbed my arm and cut me with the knife." I say a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

Hugging me tighter he says, "He will never and I mean never be able to hurt you again. I'd like to see him try." Pausing he seemed to be thinking something. "You know, in the two in a half years I've known you I would have never of guessed you went through something like that. It sure doesn't show."

"It sorta does. I don't like when people touch me and I'm usually jumpy," I tell him.

Removing his arms from around he takes a step back. Oh, I thought. I didn't mean him. He was like one of the only people I was okay being touched by. "But you are one of the people who I am actually okay with being touched by," I tell him.

"I'm glad I'm someone you can trust," he says warmly." Then we hear the bell ring.

"Dang it! I didn't get to ask you that question. Oh well I'll just google it." I say grading my paper getting ready to leave.

"You walk home don't you?"

"Yea. Why?" I say curious now.

"If you want you can stay if you want, to ask the question. Sense you don't ride the bus home and all," he says with what sounds like hope in his voice.

"Sure, that would be great," I say. 

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