Chapter Two-

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(Chase Marvin's [Mr. Marvin] Pov)

After answering her question and helping her on her paper I watch as she leaves my room. Looking down at the paper on my desk I decide it can wait, I have more important things to deal with right now.

I can't believe her father did that to her! I think outraged. What is it about her? There are far more prettier girls here then her. So why do I feel this way towards her? Why am I so protective of her? Smiling I remember when we first met.


Walking down the hallway I was late for my Biology II class. Turning the corner I run straight into a girl causing her to drop her stuff.

"I'm sorry!" She blurts out getting down to pick her stuff up. Bending down too I gather all the papers that fell out of her folder and hand them to her.

"Thanks," she said. Looking up I see two striking blue eyes looking at me. She was kinda cute. She had hair so light that it was almost white and fair skin.

"You must be new here, I haven't seen you around before," I tell her. "Hmmm, let me guess, Sophomore?"

"Freshmen," she says.

"I'm Mr. Marvin," I tell her.

"I'm Night Fontaine," she tells me.

"Where you headed to?" I ask. The bell has already rang so I was curious why she was still walking through the hall.

"Algebra. But I can't find where it's at though," She says.

"Fallow me," I tell her.

As we were walking I saw no reason why I couldn't make small talk. "So, what brings you here?" I ask.

"Ummm, my mom." She says.

Very funny, I thought. I could already sense that her and I were going to get along great. I hope she has Biology. Why am I excited at the thought of seeing her again?

"My mom got a job promotion. She's now CEO of the electrical company here," she tells me.

"I'm guessing you're fifteen?" I say questionably.

"Fourteen, I turn fifteen in six day," she says sounding excited.

"What classes do you have," I ask. I really needed to know if she had Biology.

Stopping she took out her schedule. "Algebra I, Spanish, English, Biology, Choir, Art, History, and Pe," she tells me.

At the word Biology I got very excited and I don't know why. "You have my class fourth block," I tell her. Her eyes light up and the shy girl in front of me suddenly wasn't so shy.

"Really!? I love Biology! I love science! Ohmygosh I was so worried you'd be one of those boring teachers! Can I just go to Biology now?!" She exclaimed all in one breath.

Laughing at how cute she is I am thrilled that someone was looking forward to my class. "I'm glad at least one person is looking forward to my class," I say, the both of us driving to the Algebra room.

"Thanks," she says.

"Any time. Say, if you ever want any extra lessons in Biology or if there's a certain thing you want to learn you can always come in after school and I could give you lessons," I tell her. Why did I say that? I wondered. For some reason the idea of seeing her exited me.

"Really? How about forensic science?" She asks me.

"If that's what you want to learn then okay. Lucky for you I took a year on Forensics. When can you start?" I ask her hoping she can today.

"Give me a sec," she says pulling out a phone. She was a fast typer, it only took her three seconds to type and send the message. A minute later her phone buzzed. Looking up she says, "Today."

"I'll get a lesson put together for after school. How long can you stay? I tend to really get into my lectors and I could talk for hours," tell her.

Texting who I assumed was her mother it only took seconds for her to get a reply. "My curfew is nine, well that's at least the time I have to be home. So I guess lector away," she tells me.

"I won't keep you much longer, you should probably get to class and so should I as a matter of fact. Knowing those Sophomores they're probably doing something stupid."

"Thanks again," she tells me. Giving me a smile she opens the door and walks into class.

End of flashback.

I can't wait to see her after school today and pick up from where we left off last year on her lessons. Sighing my mind wonders back to her father and anger courses though me.

How could he hurt her!? That bastard! How could he hurt innocent little Night? I wonder what other scars she has. I wonder what her hair feels like, what she feels like... Chase! You mustn't let your thoughts wonder off like that! She only a child, you an adult. That's basically rape.

Why do I feel this way towards her? There's just something about her, something that I can't resist. Then an idea popped into my head.

NO! I wouldn't, couldn't. But could I? She would probably hate me if I did, but what if she doesn't? Could she be happy? I don't wanna hurt her though. But it's the only way to make sure she's safe, that nothing will and no one will hurt her. I have to do it. Well Night Fontaine, looks like I'm kidnapping you, and today of any day would be best to do it.

(Night's Pov)

Walking out of his classroom with him we walk to his car, which wasn't parked in his normal spot. Wonder why.

Him opening the front door of his dark blue Pacifica he pulled out his phone and started doing something on it. "Hey Night, can you do me a favor and get me something out of the back seat?" He asked me.

"Sure," I replied. Opening the back door I see nothing but a dark blanket on the floor. Confused I'm about to turn around and ask him what he wanted but then I feel arms wrap around my waist and I jump.

"Chase! You Rascal! You about scared me to death!" I exclaim. He doesn't normally do this, I wonder why he's doing it now. Then I felt something over my mouth and nose and smelled something that smelt chemicals. Scared now I start to struggle. What's he doing!?

When I start to struggle he holds me tighter and whispers in my ear "Please don't fight me sweetheart. I don't want to hurt you."

Removing the cloth from my mouth I take a huge breath of air and cry "Why are you doing this?!" Then he puts the cloth back over my mouth. When I realized that I feel really tired and my struggling was getting weaker I panic.

Whispering in my ear again he says, "To keep you safe. To to..." he trails off. So tired now I can hardly stay awake I cease to struggle. Then my world Goes black. 

Chapter two!!! So the book is starting to get good! Don't worry, it's gets even better as the books goes along. Hope you like it so far!

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