Chapter 1

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“Good morning mom, hey Xander” I say as I kiss on my mom’s cheek trying to peak to see breakfast.

"What is good about this morning" she asks sightly amused.

"The fact that I have my lovely mother making me her world class pancakes" I say with a cheeky grin.

I turn to acknowledge my lovely and only little bro but only for 3 minutes. I give him a nod and he gives me a nod but more curtly with a hidden smirk.

“Why are my boys formal towards each other goddess ”My mom mumbled frustrated and continuing with breakfast doing it angrily.

My mother doesn’t like formal people she wants people to be them selves when they are with her.

I never bothered to ask as to my she doesn't like formalities.

Xander and I just look at each other and burst laughing.We do such things to her to annoy her it’s funny seeing her frustrated.

Though I do don’t want to be on the receiving side, like the breakfast she is making. She can be scary when frustrated.

I shiver thinking about a time when a waiter was flirting with her and she told him to stop. He continued and when she was frustrated she spilled her white coffee on his family jewel.

It looked like he peed on him self and his family jewel was burnt with white coffee. He went away embarrassed and sent another waiter to our table.

Xander and I laughed the whole dinner that an old couple few tables from us started looking at us with the 'I think they are crazy and need a mental hospital' look.

“Why you laughing ”mom asks with her hands on her hips raising her eyebrow eyeing us.

Xander looks at and that just makes us bust in laughter again. Mom looks annoyed that we still laughing.

“We just do it to annoy you” Xander my twin replies after having stopped laughing at mom’s intimidating expression.

Mom’s intimidating look can scare even the toughest man, the look just scream 'I dare you to continue or else'.

One time when we were at a baseball game a bulk man wanted to sit in the front row chair and she wanted to sit on to see her favorite baseball player.

When mom made her expression he quickly moved to sit on the one behind the seat she wanted to sit in.

The man looked at mom in fear and respect through out the game but she was too busy on the game and screaming to notice him.

Mom's expression changed when she sees Xander and I gulp at her in fear then a soft smile graced her mouth.

My mom shakes her head looking amused at us, then she continues making breakfast for the three of us.

After she flips the last pancake ,mom is done making breakfast. My mom is a great cook and has been in the town cooking competitions.

She is the defending champion for her chicken soup and nobody has been able to gain her title.

She also does everything in the house herself.

She doesn’t hire anyone to work or cook for us she does it her self. She doesn’t believe that if she can do it she doesn’t need someone else to do it for her.

Also that its her home and nobody will after it with great care like her. Something among those lines.

“What do you want on your pancakes” my mom asks after placing the last pancake on a plate, looking through the cupboard for ingredients we would put on the pancakes.

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