BoyxBoy Oneshots | Music

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I hummed along to the song 'The Strays' by Sleeping With Sirens, gathering my things together and putting them in my bag. I mindlessly sang along to the song, knowing that nobody would be in the band room after school. No one ever came in here. But once I turned around, I saw a person standing in the doorway.

And not just any person, the person.

The person that I'd liked since grade school. The boy that made me flustered when he walked in the room and I acted stupid around. And as soon as I saw him, I blushed a bright crimson. Jack was smirking at me, leaning against the doorway without a care in the world.

"Uh, s-sorry. I'll get out of your way." I mumbled, pulling one of my earbuds out as I grabbed my the papers containing my music.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked, catching me by the shoulder as I tried to leave the room.

"I-I have to..." I trailed off, unable to think of an excuse.



"Because I want you to. You have a nice voice."

I blushed even harder and nodded my head, sitting down at one of the desks and setting my backpack down.

"So what are you doing in here?" I asked, glancing at Jack.

"Well, I was originally gonna practice piano, but now I have someone to sing along with the songs." He smiled, his dimples showing.

"O-Okay." I said, fumbling with my phone as the song changed to 'Shake It' by Metro Station. I nodded my head to the beat, mindlessly humming along to the melody.

"What're you doing in here after school?" Jack asked, pulling a piece of paper with music noted on it out of his binder.

"Just practicing a few songs."

"Oh, what can you play?"

"I have the music to 'SAD!' by X."

"Damn, you're a fan of him?" He grinned, his dimples showing again.

"Uh, yeah."

"Can you play it?"

"Um, sure.."

I got my guitar ready and strummed it a few times, then grabbed the music out of my binder. I took out my earbuds and put them in my bag, then set up the stand and set the music on it, playing the song with ease. Jack seemed impressed, smiling as he listened to me play.

"You're good." He said.

"T-Thanks." I said, blushing and fixing my gaze on the ground.

"You're welcome, now can you sing along to this tune?" He asked, sitting down at the piano and putting his sheet music on it.

He began playing Jocelyn Flores and I knew the lyrics by the heart. I sang the lyrics perfectly as Jack played the music, smiling as his fingers hit the keys. He was good, too. He didn't mess up any, surprising me. I hadn't even known that Jack played piano, and I'd done some serious internet stalking when I first got a crush on him.

Nothing on his social media said anything about him playing piano, so I guess he didn't tell people. I don't get why, though. He was hella good. Once the song finished, I smiled over at Jack. He was smiling too.

"I didn't know you played piano."

"I didn't know you were such a good singer."

"Well I guess you learn something new everyday." I said, smiling slightly as I stood up.

"Yeah, I guess you do." He said, also standing up and walking towards me.

"W-What're you doing?" I asked nervously, backing up.

He just smirked at me with a wink. I backed up further until I hit a wall, widening my eyes as he pinned my arms beside my head. He gave me a devilish smirk as he leaned in, pressing our lips together. I was inexperienced, and my lips were chapped slightly, but he didn't pull away.

He lead the kiss since I didn't really know what to do, seeing that it was my first kiss. It took me a minute to realize that I just had my first kiss. With my crush. Jack pulled away after a few seconds, smiling slightly.

"I like you. A lot." He said.

"Well that's kinda obvious." I said, rolling my eyes playfully with a slight grin on my face.

"Your friend told me that you liked me." Jack said.

Stupid Colby! That's why I never tell that moron anything, he goes and spreads it around the school, telling my crush that I like him. Whatever, I'd get him for that later, for now, I was alone with Jack.

"So uh, how long have you liked me for?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, since about the fourth grade."



"I've liked you since middle school, I just didn't have the balls to tell you." He laughed.

"Wow, I'm pretty oblivious." I said, meeting his eyes.

Then I realized how close we really were. Jack leaned in and so did I, and our lips met once again. It was a small and delicate kiss, but it was nice.

"So are we like, a thing now?" I asked once we'd pulled away from each other.

"Well, let me do it the right way." He said, kneeling down on one knee.

"Hunter, would you please give me the pleasure of being your boyfriend?" He grinned, pulling out a small box from his hoodie pocket.

"Of course." I said, smiling as Jack stood back up, handing me the box. I opened it and saw two tickets for a Twenty One Pilots concert.

"OH MY GOD! YOU BOUGHT ME CONCERT TICKETS?" I yelled, jumping up and down in excitement.

Jack was just smiling, showing off those cute little dimples of his.

"Thank you so much." I said, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

"You're welcome." He replied, biting his lip to hide a smile, "So you wanna head back to mine?"

"Sure." I nodded my head and grabbed my things, putting the tickets in my back pocket and my guitar in it's case. I picked up the guitar case and followed Jack back to his car. "We should play songs together sometime." Jack said as we walked hand and hand.

"And why's that? I'm not that good." I said, blushing slightly.

"You are good, you're a good singer and you're good at guitar." He said. "And I like your taste in music."


Okay, this is the first oneshot I've got in this book. Idk how often I'll update, but I wanted to write something even if it's not on Boys At Camp.. You can message me requests if you want, and don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️

Edit: this is so cringey XD

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