Chapter 3

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Finley's P.O.V.

"Well, um, her name," Luke mumbled. "It's Allie."

"That's a pretty name," I prompted him to keep going.

"It is," Luke murmured, his eyes glazing over.

I rolled my eyes. Luke was always so overly in love so quick, yet he had a reputation as a heartbreaker. It's not like he used girls and discarded them within a week, he just dated them for a couple months before he got bored and his eye starting wandering again.

"And?" I urged eager for the rest of the story.

"We met a month ago," Luke said. "At a party. She wasn't drinking, and I was, so of course I came over and I tried to get her wasted, but she wouldn't. I kept trying but she wouldn't even look at me, she just ignored me the whole time."

"And that was attractive to you?" I asked, amused.

"Shut up, "Luke pushed at my shoulder.

Not expecting it, I tipped over sideways and introduced my face to the carpet. Luke burst into laughter at the sight of my face squished into the floor.

"Ow," I said, peeling my face off the ground.

Looking at Luke, I started to see the humor in this situation and started to giggle before we both were in stitches, clutching at our sides and rolling around at the top of the stairs. Every time we would start to calm down, one glance at the other would dissolve us into laughter again.

"What's going on up there?" Mom called, making us laugh harder.

We ignored the footsteps coming up the stairs, no doubt Mom coming to yell at us, but she stopped when she saw us almost crying on the floor. We quickly stifled our giggles and sat up, fixing our hair and looking up at her innocently.

Mom shook her head before heading back downstairs. "We raised insane children," she muttered.

We stayed in the same position we were in until Mom disappeared from the staircase. One look at each other, and we were in hysterics again.


My alarm blared, too early in the morning for any day, and I groaned before trying to hit the stupid button to shut off the annoying sound ruining my slumber. In my haste to find the snooze button, the arm I was leaning on slipped and I fell off my bed and landed on my floor, straight on my hip.

"Ouch," I mumbled, still too sleepy to really notice the pain from the bruise that was probably forming on my hip.

Finally shutting off the demon that was my alarm clock, I looked wistfully back at my bed before traipsing towards my closet, looking for an outfit to wear to school. After carefully selecting some tan pants and a navy blue sweater, I was off to the shower.

After a quick scrub and another ten minutes shared between belting out the lyrics to a random One Republic song and inspecting my hip, I was ready for school. Glancing at my clock, I realized I had only five minutes before I had to leave. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs, skipping the last two and sliding into the kitchen on my socks. I snatched an apple and my white, well, kind of brown now, converse before running out the door.

Fishing my keys out of my bag proved to be harder than expected, and only after placing the apple in my mouth and holding it like a pig being roasted was I able to get in my car and drive off to school. Maneuvering my way into a parking spot, I bit a chunk of my apple and chewed, parking my car and turning it off. I pulled down my car visor and mirror and grabbed my makeup, applying it before walked into school. I was just putting my mascara back into my bag when someone tapped on my window, making me squeak and topple backwards, hitting the passenger seat armrest with my head.

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