3. Locked Gazes

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I had some time so I thought I'd post this chapter a little early but don't worry this update will be followed by another one on Friday as normal. Enjoy.

"Alivia, I like your dress." My little cousin Amber said. Her cheeks reddened as she gave me the compliment. I chuckled at her embarrassed face.

"Thank you." I leant down to her height and gave her a kiss on her red cheeks.

"I- I wish I could go with you." She whispered, so her mother couldn't hear.

We both already knew that aunt Helena didn't want me going, the thought of being near the wolves frightened her. But I had no choice, once you had been chosen, you had to go.
Disobeying could be punishable by death.

"One day you will, just not today." I smiled down at her.

She was so adorable with her innocent brown eyes and light blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. She was only six but could pass as four with how small her body was.

She was the complete opposite to Avery who was two years older than her. Avery had darker blonde hair and had more of an attitude. She had to always be right and hated not getting her way. But I loved them both dearly. I had basically helped raise them after their father had died.

Avery appeared at the door. "Mum says you better leave now if you want to leave on time." She spoke in a factual manner as if she was older than she was. I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving now" I told her, giving them both a quick hug. Then I made my way to the kitchen.

"Liv, that dress suits you nicely."

"Thanks Helena."

All woman who would be serving had to wear the same. A knee length, white dress. The neckline had a red, spiral pattern to match the spiral pattern of the banners placed around the ceremonial garden. It represented the Wolven King. It was his symbol. Though I wasn't quite sure what it meant.

"Please promise me you will do everything you can, as to not attract too much attention from those foul beats." My auntie stressed, a look of disgust on her face when she said the word 'beast'.

I rolled my eyes. She was always so cautious and worried.

"Just promise me." She pleaded.

I always pitied that look on her face whenever she got overly worried about something. I always ended up doing as she asked and this, unfortunately, was no exception.

"Okay, I promise."

A while later I was in the ceremonial garden. The Wolven's wouldn't arrive until it was dark out, when the garden would be bathed in the moons light. A full moon.

Banners were put up everywhere, the symbol of the, Wolven King placed in the centre of all of them.   

In the middle of the garden was a statue of a vampire and a Wolf. The Wolf looked fierce and angry as its claws were buried in the vampires chest. It was to mark that they were much stronger than the Vampires.

Of course the Wolves would want to show off. They were a proud race.

My eyes caught sight of the tall platform placed at the end of the garden. Another banner placed above it. In the middle was a giant throne. It was the size of at least two grown men. The arms and wooden frame were covered in fur as the rest of it was red leather.

It was gorgeous, I thought.

Smaller versions which were much more plainer than the throne were placed next to it. Two either side. Must be for the King's most trusted guards, I assumed.

The Wolven King {18+} (Sample)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon