Chapter 1

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I slammed my hand over the alarm blaring besides my ear. I curse the night for not lasting longer annoyed for not getting any sleep in the comfort of my bed. I saw my laptop open in front of me and scattered papers under my arms. I sit up straight from my glass desk, but I felt instant pain on the left side of my neck. I would have thought that after waking up in this position I would have gotten used to it. Unfortunately the pain is still there. I moved my neck slowly from side to side trying to fade away the stiffness. After a moment I looked at the alarm 4:00am.

Time for my daily runs. Everyday I ran the perimeter of my land to patrol the area for a strange scent indicating trespass and to exercise. What was the saying kill two birds with one stone?

I looked down at the papers I had been working on last night. I remembered that I have school today and my essay for English is due so I spent my afternoon writing my essay after spending the whole day running to get back home early. I got home early in the morning and spent half my day going over a contract with a costumer. I was just conversing about the late adjustments to the blue print and the ending cost. I finished sealing the contract with my costumer yesterday and was ready turn in the plan to Jay, he models the blue print for safety reasons.

I had returned from traveling to meet with a London pack and then dealing with the southern pack that was having trouble with rogues lately. I had to deal with the alphas, which was another story but never less I took a couple for men and eliminated the rogues. Most of my men stayed behind because the fight injured some of them and they had to rest. I on the other hand had to deal with my school issue and had to return home. I had been gone for about three weeks, one of them for thanksgiving break. I had to return to school because I was already a two weeks late.

I closed my eyes for a bit, too tired to move an inch. But ended up getting up and searching for a sport bra, shorts, and the first shoes I spotted from my walk-in closet.

I placed my clothes on my king sized dark blue bed and looked out my glass floor length windows next to my bed that covered the whole wall. I could still see the bright stars out that can only be seen in an area with no artificial city lights.

My pack is located miles away from the city. It is to give us the freedom to shift and not care to be seen by humans. All of my land is private property based on paper and in werewolf laws is mine too. I saw the field of beautiful strong trees spread out as far as the eye can see.

I walked over to the windows and closed the curtains blocking the breathtaking view. I stood in front of my bed stripped from my clothes an oversized t-shirt and changed into the cloth I picked out for my run.

Once I changed I headed to my grey designed bathroom. It had two rooms but no walls in between in one room was a white tub on my right and sink to my left with a mirror above it. Straight ahead was the next smaller room no bigger than four feet wide and a few meters in length with a toilet in left corner and to my right was my favorite glass shower cubical with gray horizontal lines across it. I brushed my teeth and did my business.

I headed down the stairs of my two storied house and into the kitchen. Thomas, my beta, sometimes slept here so he had his own guest room. When I began having migraines, I stayed in this house to avoid the noise from the pack house. Which was in walking distance from here but was hidden by the trees. I had an office here to do my work in silence but still preferred my space in the pack house. My migraines were a bit different that the usual one. Mine would sometimes last less than a day over just a few hours to weeks. They could get so bad I would sometimes end I end up under medical supervision for weeks but that only happened once.

Yesterday I started getting a headache and needed to finish my work so I headed over here to work in silence.

As I stepped off the last step of the stairs I smelled Thomas's scent and knew he was in the lighted kitchen already waiting for me for our run. It had been a kind of tradition for us to take our daily runs together but over the last year we have been busy and rarely ran together anymore. I picked my pace to the kitchen and saw my best friend and loyal companion flicking through his phone. Far to concentrated to notice I entered the room. It took him about half a minute to begin smelling the air and quickly turned his head to me with a wide smile on his face.

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