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2 weeks later

"Welcome back home" Cassidy smiled pushing Me in the house in the wheelchair the hospital recommended I used for a while since the bullet shot wasn't all the way healed yet

Keeping the same blank face I had since I woke up at the hospital I sucked my teeth "man why you let them people up in my house in the first place , you know better than that"

Yeah I was happy I was woke but I wasn't happy that I missed almost three months of my life

"Dasani I told you already that it wasn't my idea , it was jay's I told him that you wouldn't of liked it" she said closing the door pushing me towards her room helping me in the bed

"You ain't gotta be over me all the time I'm perfectly capable of doing shit on my own" I said getting up getting in her bed

"Okay my bad I'm just trying to help"

"That's the thing, I didn't ask for you help"

Nodding her head she took a look at me before leaving out of the room

It's like every since I woke up I just been mad and the thing was I didn't know what I was mad at, was it the world? Was it Cassidy? Was it trina? Or was It myself

Sighing I ran a hand down my face , throwing the covers over my body I got up slowly walking to the bathroom holding my stomach

It was still in pain but it wasn't a lot of pain just a little but they insisted I had a wheelchair like I'm some type of handicap nigga

Washing my face I changed into another outfit before grabbing Cassidy keys

Walking into the living room she was sitting on the couch on the phone

Walking into the living room she was sitting on the couch on the phone

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"I'll call you back Camille" she said before hanging up the phone

"I'm heading out" I said walking towards the door

"You literally just got here and you already leaving?" She said getting up following me to the door

"I mean ain't that what I just said?" I said opening the door

"Well if you wanna leave then leave but you ain't taking my car" she said putting her hand out motioning for her keys

Smacking my lips I gave her , her keys before leaving

"I don't know maybe he's feeling some type away about what I did" I vented to ace who might not have been the best person to talk to because he literally takes nothing serious

It had been 5 hours since Dasani left and he hadn't called or nothing

"Sis fuck him ight, you got a baby to worry about and he acting like a bitch" shrugging my shoulders I didn't say anything

We talked about 5 more minutes before hanging up

I thought when Dasani woke up he'd be happy especially with me carrying his child , I thought he would be happy about being woke again, I just didn't think it would be like this

Getting up I walked to the bathroom putting a bath bomb in the water I ran earlier I stripped it of my clothes getting in

My stomach has actually grown a bit in these two weeks it wasn't really noticeable that I was pregnant with clothes on but with them off you it was

Turning the music on in the bathroom I closed my eyes relaxing

It had been a while since I actually relaxed, and since I had a baby growing inside of me I knew I would have to

The water was so relaxing I could just fall asleep

At this very moment I felt like all my problems had just disappeared I felt free , I wanted to stay in this tub forever

"You look real comfy" a deep voice who I recognized as dasani's said scaring me making me jump hard as hell

"You can't sneak up on me like that" I said getting myself together looking at him

"I'm sorry but look I wanna apologize for how I been acting , since I woke up I just been having this anger inside of me and I don't even know what I'm mad at it's like I'm mad at the world"

"Dasani all you had to do was talk to me , don't go shutting me out , communication is everything remember? That's not how we work around her bae , we talk things out" I said getting out of the tub wrapping my towel around my body

Nodding his head a tear fell down his face followed by more

Walking towards him I held his face wiping his tears away putting our foreheads against each other "I love you and that's never gonna change" I spoke giving him a kiss

One thing I loved the most about Dasani was that he wasn't afraid to show his feelings and he never seem to be tough and hold them back

Going to the room i put on some shorts and a tank top

I hated wearing to much clothes to sleep because I always seemed to get hot in the middle of the night

"Dasani tomorrow morning I'm going to the gym , I wanna workout throughout my whole pregnancy so I can be in shape after I deliver"

"I'll come with you , I also need to catch up with the homies"

Nodding my head I yawned making myself comfortable falling asleep

Next day
"Your so nasty " I laughed at Dasani as he watched me like a pervert as I worked at

"This will be your last time coming with me to workout because you just can't seem to focus" I said as I continued doing my squats

Biting his lip he went over to the weights and started lifting

"Do you think it's time to start looking for houses?" I asked going to my next station

"House for what?" He asked still lifting weights

"I mean we're about to start a family I think we should move into something better"

"I mean we could but we should wait until the baby is at least 5 to move into something bigger" he said

"Mhmm I'll think about it"

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