16. Cooler than Me

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two updates in two days, no complaints, cool?


"You're on the edge, stumbling and the road it starts to wind. But everytime a page is turned, a chance to make it right." -5SOS (Tomorrow Never Dies)

Zoey Willow Hunter

            WHEN I thought about spending a fun day with my friends, it definitely had a different ending than this one. I didn’t plan:oh, yeah. Oliver and Nico should definitely get into a fight, today, like totally.

The second Oliver’s fist collided with Nico’s face, my friends surrounded us. I watched as Nico staggered back, touching his bleeding nose.

“Oh my God,” I mumbled.

Nico’s eyes flashed with a hint of violence, “you don’t know how much you’re going to regret that,” he said, chuckling.

He faked punching Oliver’s stomach and the latter’s hands went automatically to protect his stomach. Nico took this as a chance to punch him in the face so hard, I could hear the sound effect of it, like in the movies. Oliver fell to the ground, holding his face.

As soon as Oliver stood up, he was stopped from hurting Nico anymore (or from getting his butt kicked by Nico) by Aaron, who held him back. Oliver’s eyes stayed on Nico as he screamed obscenities.

“Get off me!” shouted Oliver, succeeding in throwing Aaron off him.

He lunged at Nico, who easily moved out of the way. Nico took out his phone and car keys, handing them to me, with a smile. My open jaw closed as I tried to process exactly what was going on.

When Oliver ran back towards him, Nico hit his chest harshly, making him fall on the ground. Nico held his neck with one hand and pounded his fist into each side of Oliver’s cheeks. The sound of every hit made me realize what was going on and what I had to do.

I rushed towards them and cried out, “Nico! Stop, you’re hurting him! You’re going to kill him! ”

Nico didn’t even look up at me when he punched Oliver one last time, before standing up. His knuckles were bruised and he was breathing heavily. His nose was still bleeding and his shirt was stained with blood.

What he didn’t notice was that Oliver had stood up. When he saw him, he cracked his knuckles, which must have hurt. Oliver stomped towards him, a fist prepared to strike.

I did what I should have done in the first place and jumped in front of Nico, screaming at Oliver to shut up.

Instead, I got a hard blow to my face.

“Zoey!” Lucy and Xandra were by my side, trying to get a look at my face.

It was then that James launched himself at Oliver, tackling him to the ground. Joel and Diana stood between Nico and I and Oliver. I clutched my eye, feeling a pain comparable to—well, getting punched in the eye. My eye throbbed.

“Are you serious?” said Nico, any trace of “fighting” gone from him, except from his nose, “you punched her?”

Oliver’s eyes met mine and they widened, “Zoey, I—” He got on his feet, with James and Aaron still holding him back.

Nico grabbed his collar in his hands, “you don’t, ever, hit a girl. Ever. It only proves that you are a coward. I don’t care if you wanted to hit me, apologize. Or so help me I will end you.”

“I’m sorry. Oh God, I’m so sorry, Zoey,” said Oliver with tears in his eyes. His face was bloody and the space around his eyes was beginning to swell up. He was free again from Nico’s hold.

Mailboy (Wattys 2015 Winner)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon