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I GROAN AS  I press my forehead to the wooden table

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I GROAN AS  I press my forehead to the wooden table. Currently, I should be in my American History class like the good little student I most definitely am not, but instead I had retreated to the library with Penelope and attempted to waste time between pages of an I-SPY book for six year olds. 

Due to the mishap that ended in my dorm being in the male hall instead of the female dorms, I now have to wake up at four in the morning to shower. It's the only time the bathrooms are empty and I should now have the world record for the fastest shower ever. 

"Why don't you just come over to Arlington?" Penelope questions as I roll my head to the side and blink at her blankly. 

I groan before rolling my head back so my face was once more planted against the surface of the desk, "Why the hell did I not think of that?" 

Penelope laughs at me as I throw myself back in my chair, letting my shoulders sag as a depressed sigh falls from my lips.

"How is life in Elwood hall, by the way?" Penn asks I play with the pages of the open book displayed before me. 

I shrug my shoulders, "Okay, I guess. Murder is still an option so..." 

A group of probably sophomore girls pass by giggling and whispering to each other as they glance at me. Weird

"What was that about?" Penn questions glancing at me over the top of her thick romance novel. 

I shrug and fold my arms, "No clue." 

Two boys saunter over to our table and take the two empty seats across from us with extremely arrogant smirks. I frown at them, confused as to who the hell they were and why they thought I was tame enough to have a civil conversation with. 

"Do you usually sleep in your underwear?" The blonde one questions and I sputter in shock. Did he just ask what I think he just fucking ask. "Don't you think that's a bit scandalous since you have a boy roommate." 

"What the fuck?" I question loudly, "Please leave before I scream." 

"You have a really cute sleeping face by the way." The other one grins as they stand from there chairs and walk across the room, laughing. It's only then do I realise everyone else in the library was staring at Penelope and I while whispering or chuckling to themselves. 

"Hay—" Penn starts but I'm already out of my chair, swiping my bag off the ground and flinging it over my shoulder. I grab my denim jacket from the next chair over and storm out of the library, Penn following hastily behind me while juggling her belongings.

The second I step foot in the halls, I see them. The corridor was completely drowned in white paper, and in the middle of the sheets was a black and white picture of me sleeping. Students were taking pictures of it with there phone and a surge of anger ran through me. Chase fucking Everett. 

A teacher had begun to rip the papers down, scolding students and telling them to get to class. I march across the hall and wrapped my hands around the thin sheets, tearing as many as I could from the wall. 

Yes, I was embarrassed. But I was more pissed off than anything. 

It wasn't even a cute picture of me sleeping. My mouth was wide open and I was drooling like crazy. The fact that I was dressed in a grey tank top and purple underwear told me it was taken a few nights ago when Chase had the crappy heaters in our room on full blast. 

Everett: 2, Jones: 1


Penelope had stayed to help me take down the papers and Vera had join us once she heard the news. We spent the entirety of fourth period clearing the halls of Sleeping-Hayden. It was a struggle, but the adrenaline and hatred of Chase fuelled me to continue. 

"Wow, he must've used up all his printing tokens." Penn mutters as she pushes down the pile of paper in the rubbish bin. Both Vera and I glance at her with the most blank look on our faces. She shrugs, "What?" 

We both laugh at her cuteness as we continue to wander the halls, ripping pages down from the dark walks. He even plastered them all over windows, blocking out the light from the overcast sky. I give him props for the effort though. He managed to do this in the slight time period when everyone was in class. 

He had to have had help. 

Once we were finished, we headed to the dining hall for lunch because our hard work deserved an award. 

"I mean, the picture wasn't that bad." Vera shrugs as we turn the corner, the double wooden door leading to the dining hall at the end, "I thought it was pretty hot." 

"Yes, because my ocean of drool was so enticing." I retort sarcastically and roll my eyes, adjusting the straps of my bag on my shoulders,  "But thanks for trying to make me feel better." 

"That's what I'm here for." Vera smiles widely at me as she pushes open one heavy door and we follow in behind her. 

We enter the packed dining hall and I instantly spot Chase sitting at a table with Levi across the large auditorium. All thoughts of food left my brain and I only saw red. 

Anger fills my veins once more and I storm towards him, zipping through the maze of tables and chairs to reach him. There were other guys from the dorm at the table as well as girls. A blonde girl was basically sitting on his lap as she leaned into him from her chair pressed right up against Chase's. 

"Do you find this is fucking funny?" I question as I throw a screwed up one of the pictures screwed up into a paper ball at him. It hits his chest and falls pathetically to the floor. Nailed it. 

He feigns ignorance, "Find what funny?" 

"Are you serious?" I question as Chase smirks up at me, irking me even more that I couldn't get to him. I groan and rub my temples, "Just out of curiosity, were you conceived through anal sex? Because you cannot possibly be this much of an asshole." 

The table and a few surrounding tables that were rudely eavesdropping snort at my question. Chase smirks up at me as he reclines back further into his chair. 

"Go and write it in your little revenge diary, Jones." He waves me off and I lean down further, folding my arms across my chest as I grin at him. I cock my head to the side, my eyes locking with his and noting how unfair it was that he looked so damn good but he was an absolute asswipe. 

"I don't like to call it revenge, Everett." I smile sweetly, "Returning the favour sounds nicer." 

a short chapter but at least it's an update

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a short chapter but at least it's an update

some chapters will be long and some short just to help the flow of the story, so be warned :)

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