CHAPTER 19: Little Light

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom - 1864

Lucius was born in the early morning in Spring, he was really tiny. At first, I was a bit reluctant to hold him seeing how much he reminded me of Owen and how small he was. I would even say he looked smaller to Rosalie's and Cornelius child. I was so afraid to break him from how small he was, He already had a lot of hair, pure white like Owens but he was avian-like me, he had light purple wings rather than white. Cornelius cleaned up as I held Lucius close as he cried. Winston had gone to get Frederick and was just arriving at the room "I wanna see my brother!" Frederick said running towards me to see Lucius. "Careful," Winston said as Frederick leaped into the bed. "Oh, he's so tiny. Hi baby, I'm your brother." Frederick said softly touching Lucius' hand. Lucius was now a calmed and Frederick got closer "His eyes are grey mom" Frederick said.

"His eye colors will change through time" I replied with a tired smile. "Oh, did mine do that?" He asked looking up to me. "Yeah" I replied. "Remember to rest for at least forty days, alright," Cornelius said looking at me. "That's too long, I'm good with a day or two," I said sitting up a bit. "No, Winston, clear her schedule. He'll manage things, he's done so in the past. You rest" Cornelius said in a stern tone. "No, you can't. I can manage" I said looking towards Winston. "As much as I don't appreciate your friend telling me what to do he's right you need rest" Winston responded glaring towards Cornelius as he rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go back to Tiria in a few days but that doesn't mean you not gonna follow my orders" Cornelius continued.

"Fine" I replied seeing how they weren't budging. I looked down towards Lucius and Frederick "Don't grow up like those two, okay guys?" I said. Frederick chuckled "Okay we won't," He said as Cornelius and Winston both looked at me a bit annoyed. "... Well, I'll let you rest" Cornelius said leaving the room. "Frederick your lesson is starting soon," Winston said and Frederick looked up at me. "Can I come back after my lessons?" He asked me. "Yeah, of course, you can sweetie," I said kissing his forehead before he leaped off the bed. "Okay, Then I'll be back. Bye baby" He said before leaving.

"I'm going to miss these moments when he gets older," I said watching him leave. "Well, even if he gets older you have Lucius," Winston said walking closer. "That's true," I said looking down seeing Lucius slowly falling asleep. "He's really calm compare to his mother," Winston said fixing Lucius blanket. "Just give him time, his personality might change," I said as Winston sat on the bed next to me. He smiled "I suppose that's true," He said as I leaned on his shoulder. "Are you sure about taking charge?" I asked. "Don't worry about it just worry about the baby for now" He replied flicking my forehead. "I just think its too much work for you... In the Squadron is there a member whose surpasses the others?" I asked maybe splitting the responsibilities might help.

"Ingrid is actually doing quite well in all the training despite joining not long ago, why?" he responded. "That's right, I've noticed too. I was actually wanting to tell you to make her commander of the squadron" I said. "What, but she's," he said before I interrupted. "She agile and outspoken and as you said she's already doing so well. Let her take charge of the Squadron and have her bring me reports" I responded. "Alright," he responded looking over at Lucius. "Do you wanna hold him?" I asked noticing him looking at Lucius curiously. "No, thank you. I don't wanna break him" He said. "You won't, If I haven't yet I'm sure you'll be fine," I said chuckling. "Okay, then can I?" He asked. "Yeah, careful not to wake him though," I said as I gently placed Lucius in his arms. "His hands are tiny," he said with a caring smile. "I know, their precious aren't they" I responded as he turned towards me and kissed my cheek. "I'll let you two rest," he said handing Lucius back as he stood up. "I'll try," I said as he closed the door behind him.

Cornelius walked to the garden to get some fresh air when Ingrid spotted him. "Dr. Charice hey," she said running to great him. "Ingrid shouldn't you be training?" he asked. "I skipped, joking actually I heard the bell announcing the baby's birth so I thought I come to ask you what she had," she asked.

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