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My dad JUST told me about a ghost that frequented our house when I was young. We bought our house from an estate sale because the woman who had owned it since 1943 had lived in it until she passed away in my parent's bedroom. He said multiple times he felt a presence, but one night, he was awakened to see a woman that he describes looking a little like Barbara Bush – stately, put together, and a little snobby. She was wearing a distinguished looking striped jacket. Her eyes met my dad's and she gave him a look that he says was fiercely disapproving. She then passed across the bed, brushing her coat along my stepmom, and dissipated.

The next morning, my stepmom said she knew something terrifying was there but she kept her eyes shut tight because she did not want to see what it was, until she calmed down and went back to sleep.

The scariest part of all of this, is that where my dad watched her brush

my stepmom, was a red rash covering the entire area.

Needless to say, I was thankful my dad saved that one until I was in my twenties and moved out of the house. Although he did say that her visits stopped after we remodeled the house.

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