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len was floating in darkness. All night he had been floating between the dreamless black he was in now and strange, horrible, terrifying dreams. Dreams of war and bloodshed, of hate and cruelty, of all the evils of mankind. But now Allen was safe and content to stay in his peaceful darkness.

He gave a jolt as he was viciously ripped from his comfy bed and dragged across the floor. He cracked open his tired eyes and looked up to see the enraged face of Mimi, Lulubell's akuma maid. He closed his eyes and she growled at him.

"Wake up you vile boy!" she screeched, grabbing him by his hair and hoisting him up, "Mistress Lulubell has sent me to fetch you." she tightened her grip and began to drag him out of the room.

"What does she want with me?" Allen asked exhaustedly. He was too tired to deal with this. He just wanted to go back to sleep but Mimi gave his head another yank and dragged him out the door and into the hall.

"She didn't say," she muttered angrily, giving his head another yank, "but I hope it's to dispose of you, you disgusting miserable exorcist."

Through his sleepy haze, Allen finally realized that he was being dragged by an akuma. He instantly became more alert and began to take in his surroundings. He had no idea where he was. Mimi was taking him down a dark hall lined with creepy portraits. He had to escape, he tore his head from Mimi's grasp and began to sprint down the hall.

Mimi let out an angry screech, "I'll get you, you filthy brat! You want to escape? Go ahead and try! I'll shoot down before you reach the end of the hall!" She whipped out her fans a sent energy blasts after Allen.

Allen dodged the blasts as he ran down the hall, looking for a door or a window, any means of escape. He would have rather turned and fought but both his arms were stiff and sore. Luckily someone had stitched and bandaged them before he bled out but he still couldn't invoke.

Allen felt the heat of another one of Mimi's attacks at his back, too close to run out of its path. He leapt into the air and flipped over it, singeing the ends of his hair in the process. He landed hard on his feet and once again began to run down the hall. Mimi yowled in anger and threw another blast.

Allen spotted a door up ahead. Finally, a way out! With renewed stamina he rushed to the door, threw it open, and stumbled in, slamming the door behind him. He jammed the lock shut and braced his back against the door. He could hear Mimi blasting furiously away down the hall, gradually getting closer. He looked around him, a sink, a toilet, and a small shower. A bathroom. A windowless bathroom. He was trapped like a rat. The blasting stopped suddenly and Allen heard a dark chuckle from the other side of the door.

"Oh, poor little exorcist," Mimi whispered mockingly, "did you go and get yourself cornered?" She cackled and powered up for another attack. Allen scrambled to get away form the door but he wasn't fast enough and Mimi blew the door in. The blast sent Allen flying into the shower in the far corner of the room. Mimi stormed into the room and went straight for the fallen exorcist. Allen crashed into the back wall of the shower and banged his head. Mimi grabbed his throat and rammed his head up into the showerhead, breaking off the appliance and unleashing a torrent of water that soaked them both.

"You thought that you could get away did you?" Mimi growled, pinning Allen by the neck, just under the hole in the hole in the wall where the water was shooting out, "You worthless, hateful, little beast! I was going to bring you to madam Lulubell but I think that I'll just take care of you myself. I'll dispose of you right now and face Madam Lulubell's punishment later. It'll be worth it to get rid of you once and for all!"

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