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When we reached Jake's apartment he put me straight to bed and snuggled up next to me until I drifted off to sleep.

The next couple of weeks he took perfect care of me. Even though I looked hideous with my red eye, stitches, and my bruises, he never made me feel anything but beautiful. The healing was slower than I anticipated but I had to admit, being taken care of by Jake was pretty nice.

He got up every morning and cooked breakfast. Each night, he snuggled with me and we watched movies. I didn't leave the house the entire time, it was too embarrassing to be seen like that but he was my constant companion.

Often, I would wake up to him just staring at me. He made sure I ate a balanced diet and took my vitamins, he kept insisting this would only speed up the healing process.

I asked him to check every day to see if the new Rock movie had been released but to my dismay it never was. Each time, I would make a pouty face and he would laugh at me.

It was so amazing waking up in his arms every morning and he was a perfect gentleman. In fact, he treated me like I was some kind of china doll he was scared of breaking. I wasn't fragile though, I was tough. I had realized just how much as I lay there with nothing but time on my hands.

When I finally started feeling better, I could see him growing more excited with each day. He was like a child waiting for Christmas to come. I found it all very curious and even more so the morning I woke up and he said, "Your face has finally healed, are you feeling better?"

"I am feeling much better," I replied as I looked in the mirror to check my reflection.

He was right, the bruises were still visible, but they had faded to a point that I could easily cover them with foundation. I literally screamed with excitement, I had been hemmed up inside for so long, I was bursting to get out and do something, anything.

"Spend the day with me?" he asked as if I had so many better options.

"I spend the day with you every day Jake," I replied rolling my eyes. He looked at me with his crooked little smile and I knew he was up to something.

"Great, were leaving in an hour," he announced, leaving the room to get a shower.

I jumped in after him and before I knew it, we were off. He was so fond of surprising me. At first I thought it was going to drive me insane but grew to enjoy the mystery of it all.

"So where are we off too?" I pried.

"I have had something on my mind the last couple of weeks and thought now was as good a time as any." 

I was a bit shocked when we pulled up in front of the same tattoo shop we had visited earlier on.

"What are we doing here?" I inquired with a puzzled look on my face.

"You will see," he said as he grabbed my hand and led me inside.

The gentleman at the desk was clearly expecting him and led him straight back. Jake sat down and the man began, etching words vertically down his side, next to the bird tattoo we had gotten together. He did not tell me what it said and when he was done, I tried to read it.

Faremo una grande fuga

It was in a different language and I was growing more frustrated by the second.

"Jake, tell me what it says, please?"

 "It means, 'We'll make a Great Escape' in Italian."

I thought intently about what he just said and how perfect it was. When we got our first tattoos it was to represent freedom and this one was an affirmation of a plan to do just that. We would make our great escape, both leaving our worlds behind us to pursue a future all our own.

HIS BEAUTIFUL SECRET (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant