Family First

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Jayla and her men were in position and ready to eliminate, Nate and his men was ready to enter the building soon as Jayla's team took out the snipers, Nate knew Jayla had his back and he had her back. 

They had been doing sweeps of the villages for the past four weeks and Jayla could see the lower part of her stomach growing, she was about three months pregnant. 

Nate had noticed too, he would meet her early in the mornings in the shower just so he could have alone time with her, but he loved the fact he was going to watch this child grow, and that his wife's stomach was growing, and he was a part of it.

"I'm locked on to my target, come on look at me, come on you mother fucker, eat my pussy, target one eliminated. Colonel how does your end look". 

 Nate closed his eyes, 

"Colonel, I think the men got an image of pussy". 

 "I do apologise men, please do blank me out, when I talk to myself". 

 They all start to laugh,

 "I know Nate blanks me, target two eliminated, Nate get your team to wait, I can see a couple more snipers, right my men on three we will eliminate our targets together. ONE, TWO THREE, all targets eliminated, Colonel your free to go".  

"Nate, your wife, is a fucking excellent sniper". 

 "Yes, I know, that's why I don't argue with her, because I know she can use a gun".

 They all laugh. The mission was a success and they go back to base.

Jayla and Nate did another four weeks and was going back home with their men.

 They were all going back to Texas, Jayla told her men she was pregnant, because they noticed she was getting a little bump, and she was four months pregnant.

 Nate told his team and they congratulated him.

Nate sent his plane to pick up Natalie, to meet them at Texas. 

They all reached base and their loved ones were there to meet them. 

Jayla looked for Natalie, and she came running up to her, Nate had only had a day with her, but he felt so overwhelmed when he saw her. 

They both cuddled her, Jayla looked at her, 

"You've grown again". 

 "Mum, it's only been three months, but I'm glad to see you". 

 A couple of Nate's team members walks over to him and says,

 "The Colonel's daughter is going to be a stunner". 

 Nate looks at them and smiles,

 "That's my daughter, you're talking about, and if any boy wants to date my daughter, I will show them my arsenal of weapons first". 

 "You always got us. Just give us a call, all these other men have son's and you are the only one with a daughter, that's double protection". 

 Nate laughs, 

"When that day comes, I will get the whole team together. Anyway, have a good break and I'll see you Saturday, for a drink".

Natalie was talking to Jayla about the pregnancy,

"You and dad didn't waste time, but I'm excited to have a little brother or sister, a brother would be better".

 Nate heard what she said, 

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