Chapter 11

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Sorry, I took a while to update but here you go. Enjoy💕💕

Aurora's POV:

After what was roughly a fourty minute drive, the car comes to an end. Tristan and I were alone in the car and his family was placed in an other.

We walk out of the car and Tristan intertwines my arm with his as I spin my head, admiring the mansion before us. The lights chimmering, cars arriving, people giggling. Whilst I, just glance around, completely dazed.

The front of the mansion had a huge fountain cascading water and lighting up in various lights. Four guards stood at each side of the main gate. Servants dressed in white suits, accompanying the guests in.

"Aurora, come." Tristan ushers me, towards the entrance of the mansion, holding on to me. "What do you think?" He asks, curiously. "It's beautiful."I confess. Honestly, I didn't think places like these even existed in real life.

"It's yours now, my love." He states, turning to me and smiling slightly. I feel like I'm living every girl's fantasy: having a handsome, rich man take an interest in me for whatever reason and handing me his wealth. But it's not my fantasy, if it were up to me I would've left all of this. Sadly, I'm stuck here.

Caged by him.

Finally striding in, the sounds of laughters, violins echoing through the vast ball room. Waitors carrying trays, handing our champagne. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside.

The floors were so shiny, you can see your reflection. The large glass windows were framed by velvet burgundy drapes. This must've cost a fortune.

"Tristan, son." I hear a loud voice call from behind, making Tristan and I snap our heads at the source. "Ah, Uncle Mark. Glad you can make it, you too aunt Claudia." Tristan greets. His uncle was very attractive for a guy his age and his aunt reminded me of his mom, the whole rich wife thing they've got going on.

"And I'm guessing you're Aurora. Tristan speaked so highly of you." His aunt flickers her attention to me, she doesn't hesitate to plant a kiss on my cheek and hug me afterwards. "It's nice to meet you." I greet her and she smiles. "May I just say you're such a beauty, my dear." His uncle says and I feel myself getting embarassed. I don't know what they see in me. I'm very normal looking, so when they compliment me I just feel like they pity me or they're just making fun of me.

"Thank you." I reply.

"We'll catch on with you later, enjoy the party." Tristan states before pulling me away.


It's been a few hours since we've been and so far I've greeted about... a thousand people. The entire guest list came to congratulate us. Everyone from his family, to his mafia allies, his business associates, his clients. My mouth is cramping up from all the smiling.

Someone get me out.

At the moment, I'm sat at one of the tables with Aylina and Isaac as they bark at each other. I don't even know what they're fighting about.

"For the fifth time, no. You cannot invite a hooker to come here." She snaps at him.

"Hey, you think all this stays alone." He replies with sass and she rolls her eyes.

"Isaac, Tristan will kill you. You know what happened the last time." She reminds him. What happened the last time?

"Oh yeah, she was an eager one. I was so close to busting if only the table didn't hit her head." He smirks and I knit my brows. That was too much information. I don't even want to know what happened anymore.

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