Part 3

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Taehyung unlocked the door to his lovely apartment and walked straight to his bedroom, forgetting to take off his boots. He jumped onto his bed and shoved his head straight into his pillow, letting out a loud groan in anger.

"Why the fuck did it have to be him!" The words kept repeating in his head.

He was always a big believer in the idea of "fate", but why in the world would fate make him kiss Jungkook.

Just why.

He slowly lifted himself as he gathered his thoughts about the man and headed for the bathroom. Before he entered, he decided to take his shoes and chucked them to the side, near the entrance of the place. He stepped into the bathroom and stood in front of the sink, staring at himself in the mirror that was placed directly above. He was about to continue mentally scolding himself, but then it hit him.

Jungkook was his new year's kiss.

The realization irked him. He quickly turned the water on and grabbed the mouthwash to clean his mouth from the unwanted kiss he had. He filled his mouth with the wash before moving the fluid around violently. During this whole ordeal, he couldn't get his mind off of what had happened, he couldn't forget it, he just couldn't. Suddenly he grabbed his toothbrush and hastily put some toothpaste on it and forcing it into his mouth. He was so disgusted with what happened that he unknowingly brushed his teeth for five minutes.

"I am never gonna forget about this, am I ?" His inner person asked the question as he spit out the toothpaste.

He grabbed the mouthwash for the second time as he hoped it would clean all the dirtiness out of his mouth. He hoped that he would be able to set this memory aside,

the keyword was,

he hoped.


Jungkook, on the other hand, was on the edge of his seat the rest of the night. He wanted to know how he could experience something like that again. His thoughts were driving him crazy. He got up from the couch he was sitting on and walked towards the famous Park Jimin, ignoring whoever was talking to him.

"Hey Park! What's up?" He asked, his cocky smile was plastered onto his face once again.

"What's up with me? I'm wondering what's up with you? What were you trying to do back there, Jeon?" Jimin asked leaving Jungkook confused.

"You kissing Taehyung? What was that you dumbass," Jimin giggled. He might have had a little too much to drink.

Jungkook didn't know what to say. The smile on his face started to fade. He didn't think Jimin would confront him about the events that had occurred earlier.

"I- uh, I don't really know," Jungkook's smile had fallen.

"Cut the crap Jungkook, you know he doesn't like you, why would you do that! Were you even thinking?" Jimin mood changed drastically, he sounded mad.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize what was happening," Jungkook was defenceless, he didn't have any intentions to kiss Taehyung that night.

"Ok well whatever, don't pull me into your bullshit, here's his number, text him or some shit and apologize," Jimin gave up on helping Jungkook. He couldn't understand the hate that the two boys shared.

He pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket and he wrote something down on both sides of the paper. Suddenly, he saw his girlfriend start to walk away from him and his decided that she was indicating for him to follow her. He threw the piece of paper to Jungkook as he ran off with the girl.

Not him | taekook short storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon